Urgent Call for Witnesses in Search for Missing Woman in Mensignac: Help Find Vivianne!

2023-07-16 09:32:33

A call for witnesses is launched by the gendarmerie, indicates Commander Rigaud, in connection with the town hall of Mensignac to try to find Vivianne. This 62-year-old woman left her home on foot this Thursday at the start of the followingnoon, without papers and without her mobile phone. This Sunday, the search resumed around Mensignac, L’Eguillac-de-l’Auche or Annesse-et-Beaulieu.

A call to check dependencies

This Saturday, a sandal and then a second shoe were found during the search. These sandals might belong to the missing woman. This is why the gendarmes are appealing for witnesses to all those who may have come across a barefoot woman between the three municipalities.

The gendarmerie also asks the inhabitants who have outbuildings, garages or garden shedsto go and check that this sexagenarian has not found refuge there.

Soldiers, relatives and residents mobilized

For three days now, the soldiers, helped by three dog handlers and the helicopter, have been flying over the area. These are “between 15 and 20 soldiers mobilized every day”, indicates the commander of the Périgueux company.

Relatives, neighbours, the mayor of Mensignac and hunters in the area participate in the hunts to try to find this well-known woman in the town. This resident knows the region and the different trails very well.

According to the police investigation, the criminal trail is ruled out, indicates Commander Rigaud. The Saint-Astier brigade is in charge of the investigation opened for worrying disappearance.

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#call #witnesses #launched #disappearance #woman #Dordogne

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