Urgent Call for Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza by UN Security Council

The Malta-drafted resolution, which passed by 12 votes in favour, “calls for immediate and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days” to allow aid to reach civilians in the enclave.

Three countries – the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia – abstained.

Diplomats say members delayed planning the vote until they were confident enough of its success.

Since the October 7 attack by Hamas militants on Israel, which triggered an Israeli bombing campaign and ground operations in the Gaza Strip, the Security Council has tried unsuccessfully to pass any resolution.

However, four versions of the resolutions were rejected in October. It exposed the long-standing rift in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with Russia and China on one side and the United States on the other.

After the Council failed to respond, on 27 October the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a non-binding text calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

The US and Israel voted against the text, which did not mention Hamas.

The Security Council, where 10 non-permanent members took the initiative, began new negotiations on the resolution, but these have stalled over wording that would have called for an end to the fighting, even if only for a short time.

Diplomats said the US objected to any use of the term “ceasefire”. Other terms were also mentioned: “truce” and “break”.

“I know we are all disappointed by the inaction of the Council for the past 40 days,” China’s UN ambassador Zhang Jun said on Wednesday.

The resolution adopted on Wednesday mentions children in almost every paragraph, and also “demands that all parties comply with their obligations under international law (…), in particular with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children.”

It also calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, especially children, held by Hamas militants and other groups.

Malta’s envoy to the UN, Vanessa Frazier, said that “the members of the Security Council are unanimous in their desire to express their views”.

Acknowledging the nuances between their positions, she said all 15 members “want to save lives and provide respite” to civilians.

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#Security #Council #called #humanitarian #pause #Gaza #Strip
2024-09-14 02:57:23

What are‍ the key‍ provisions of the UN Security Council’s resolution regarding⁢ humanitarian pauses in the ⁢Gaza ‍Strip?

UN Security Council Passes Landmark Resolution Calling for Humanitarian ‍Pauses in Gaza⁤ Strip

In⁢ a significant development, the United Nations Security ‍Council (UNSC) has adopted a landmark resolution calling for ⁣immediate ⁢and extended⁢ humanitarian pauses and corridors ⁤throughout the Gaza Strip. The resolution, drafted by Malta, ‌passed with 12 votes in favor, with three countries – the United ⁤States, the ⁢United Kingdom, and Russia – abstaining.

The resolution is a crucial​ step towards addressing the humanitarian crisis in ‍the Gaza ⁣Strip, which has been exacerbated by⁢ the ongoing conflict between Israel ‌and Hamas militants.⁤ Since the October⁢ 7 attack‌ by Hamas militants ⁤on Israel, which triggered an Israeli bombing⁤ campaign​ and⁣ ground⁤ operations in ⁢the Gaza Strip, the ​Security Council has been‌ unable to ​pass any resolution, highlighting ⁢the‌ deep-seated‌ divisions within the international community on⁤ the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Breaking ‌the Impasse

The adoption of ‌the ​resolution marks a significant breakthrough, as it comes after months of diplomatic efforts to reach a consensus.⁢ Diplomats revealed ⁢that members ⁢of⁣ the Security Council ⁤delayed planning the vote until they were confident of its success, demonstrating the complexity of the issue ⁤and the challenges involved in finding common ground.

Prior to this resolution,⁤ the Security Council had tried ‍and failed to‍ pass four‍ versions of resolutions in October, exposing the deep divisions within the international community on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.⁢ The United States and Israel​ had voted against a non-binding text adopted by ⁣the UN General Assembly on October 27,​ which called for⁤ an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

Key Provisions of the Resolution

The Malta-drafted resolution is significant for several ⁢reasons. Firstly, it calls for immediate and extended ⁤humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the ⁣Gaza Strip, allowing for the delivery of much-needed⁢ aid to civilians in the‍ enclave. The ‍resolution also “demands that ⁢all parties comply with their obligations under⁣ international law (…),⁤ in particular⁤ with regard to the protection of civilians, ​especially children.”

Furthermore, the resolution demands the immediate and unconditional ‍release ‍of‌ all hostages, especially children,‍ held by Hamas militants and other groups. The⁢ emphasis‌ on children in the resolution reflects the humanitarian ​imperative of protecting the most vulnerable populations in‌ conflict zones.

International Community Unites

The​ adoption of‍ the ​resolution demonstrates ‍that the international community can⁣ come together to⁣ address humanitarian ⁣crises, even in the face⁣ of deep-seated political differences. Malta’s envoy to the⁢ UN, ​Vanessa Frazier, emphasized that “the ⁣members of the Security Council are unanimous in their desire to ⁢express their views” on the situation ​in the Gaza Strip.

China’s UN ambassador, Zhang Jun, also expressed disappointment at the ⁣Council’s inaction over the past ⁢40 days,⁢ highlighting​ the need for collective⁤ action to address humanitarian crises.

Implications and Next Steps

The adoption of the resolution is an important symbolic step towards addressing the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. However, its implementation will ‌depend on the cooperation of⁢ all parties ‍involved in⁤ the conflict. The international community must now work together to‍ ensure that the resolution is translated ⁣into concrete action on ⁣the ground.

In the coming weeks and months,⁤ the focus will shift to ensuring that humanitarian ⁢pauses are‌ implemented, ​aid⁣ reaches those in need,‍ and that all parties comply​ with their obligations ⁣under international ⁣law.


The adoption⁢ of‍ the​ UNSC resolution ⁤on ⁢the Gaza ⁤Strip⁤ is a significant development in the ongoing efforts to address the humanitarian crisis in the ⁢region.⁤ It demonstrates that even ‌in the face of deep-seated political​ differences, the international community can come together ​to address humanitarian ​crises. As the situation in the Gaza Strip remains precarious, ​the⁣ international community must continue to work together to ensure that the resolution is ‍implemented, and that⁢ the people of Gaza receive the aid and protection they desperately⁢ need.

– What are the main goals of the UN Security Council’s resolution on humanitarian pauses in the Gaza Strip?

UN Security Council Passes Landmark Resolution Calling for Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza Strip

In a significant development, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has adopted a landmark resolution calling for immediate and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip. The resolution, drafted by Malta, was passed with 12 votes in favor, with three countries – the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia – abstaining.

Key Provisions of the Resolution

The resolution calls for immediate and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days to allow aid to reach civilians in the enclave. The pauses are intended to provide a window of opportunity for humanitarian assistance to reach those in need, particularly children, who have been disproportionately affected by the conflict.

The resolution also:

Demands that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, particularly with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children.

Calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, especially children, held by Hamas militants and other groups.

Expresses deep concern about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and the impact of the conflict on civilians, particularly children.

Background to the Resolution

The resolution comes in the wake of a devastating escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip, which began on October 7 when Hamas militants launched an attack on Israel. The attack triggered an Israeli bombing campaign and ground operations in the Gaza Strip, resulting in significant humanitarian needs.

Despite numerous attempts, the Security Council has been unable to pass a resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since October. The Council has been divided, with Russia and China on one side and the United States on the other, over the wording of the resolution.

Impact of the Resolution

The passage of the resolution marks a significant shift in the Security Council’s response to the conflict. It reflects a growing recognition of the need for humanitarian pauses to allow aid to reach civilians in need. The resolution also highlights the importance of protecting civilians, particularly children, who are often the most vulnerable to the effects of conflict.

The resolution is non-binding, but it sends a strong message to the parties involved in the conflict about the need for humanitarian pauses and the protection of civilians. It also underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing the humanitarian needs of those affected by the conflict.


The adoption of the resolution is a significant step forward in the international community’s response to the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. It demonstrates a commitment to upholding international humanitarian law and protecting civilians, particularly children, who are caught in the midst of conflict.

Keyword Optimization:

UN Security Council

Humanitarian pauses

Gaza Strip

International humanitarian law

Protection of civilians

Children in conflict

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Hamas militants

Humanitarian assistance

International cooperation

Meta Tags:

Title: UN Security Council Passes Landmark Resolution Calling for Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza Strip

Description: The UN Security Council has adopted a landmark resolution calling for immediate and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip to allow aid to reach civilians in need.

Keywords: UN Security Council, humanitarian pauses, Gaza Strip, international humanitarian law, protection of civilians, children in conflict.

Header Tags:

H1: UN Security Council Passes Landmark Resolution Calling for Humanitarian Pauses in Gaza Strip

H2: What are the key provisions of the UN Security Council’s resolution regarding humanitarian pauses in the Gaza Strip?



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