Urgent Alert: Evacuation Notice Activated for Several Streets in Nysa

Due to the rising water level from the direction of Siestrzechowice, the crisis team appeals to the residents of Lazurowa, Orzeszkowa, 3 Maja, Słoneczna and Jeziorna streets in Nysa to secure their belongings and, if possible, seek shelter outside these streets, in the higher parts of the city. The situation is developing.

Information about shelter places prepared by the City Hall can be obtained at the following telephone numbers:

mobile: 667 630 400

tel. 77 40 80 586 (24/7)

tel. 783 681 211 (OPS)

The District Police Headquarters in Nysa informs that the water level in the Bielawski Canal is also rising. In this case, flooding may occur on Prudnicka, Mariacka, Moniuszki streets, towards Jagiellońska Street.

Editor: Andrzej Babinski


What‍ should residents of ⁢Nysa ‍do to prepare‌ for evacuation due to rising water levels?

URGENT: Residents of Nysa Warned to ​Evacuate⁤ Due to Rising‍ Water Levels

As ⁢the water level continues to rise​ from the direction of Siestrzechowice, the crisis ⁣team has ⁣issued an urgent appeal to residents ​of ⁣Lazurowa, Orzeszkowa, 3 Maja, Słoneczna, and Jeziorna‍ streets⁣ in Nysa to take immediate action ⁤to secure their belongings‍ and seek shelter. The situation is developing rapidly, and it is crucial for⁢ residents to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

Secure Your Belongings and Seek Shelter

Residents of⁣ the ‌affected streets ⁣are advised to ​quickly gather essential items, such as important documents, medication, and valuables, and move them to higher areas‌ of the city. If ‍possible, ​it is recommended that residents ⁢seek shelter outside‍ of these streets, in areas that are less prone to flooding. ​The city’s crisis team is urging residents to take this⁢ warning seriously and take prompt action‌ to avoid any potential risks.

Shelter Places and Emergency Contact Numbers

The City Hall has prepared shelter places for those in need. For information on the location and availability of these shelters, ⁣residents can ‍contact the following telephone numbers:

⁤ Mobile: 667 630 400

Tel. 77⁣ 40 80 586 (24/7)

Tel. 783 681 211 (OPS)

Residents are encouraged⁢ to ⁢reach out to these⁣ numbers for assistance and guidance⁢ on finding ‌a safe place to go.

District Police and Emergency Services on Alert

The⁣ District Police Headquarters is monitoring the situation closely and is working ‌with ‍other emergency services to ensure⁤ public‍ safety. Residents‌ are advised to follow instructions from local authorities and stay away from flooded areas.

Stay Informed and Stay Safe

The ⁢city’s crisis ⁢team⁢ will continue ⁤to provide updates on the situation as it‌ develops. Residents ‍are⁣ urged to stay informed ‍through official channels and to prioritize their safety ​above all else.

What to Do in a Flood Emergency

In the event of ⁣a ​flood emergency, it is essential to remember the following:

Stay ​calm and follow instructions from local authorities

⁤ Move to higher ground immediately

Avoid walking or‌ driving through flooded areas

Keep‍ essential items, such as⁣ medication and important documents, with you

Charge your phone ⁣and keep it with you

Avoid using electricity or ⁤gas appliances in flooded areas

Stay away from downed power ‌lines and electrical wires

By following​ these guidelines ‍and staying⁢ informed, residents of Nysa can minimize the risks associated with rising water levels ​and stay ⁢safe.

Keywords: Nysa, flood warning, rising ​water‍ levels, evacuation,⁢ shelter, crisis team, ‌emergency ⁣services, District Police, public safety.

Meta Description: Residents of Nysa urged to ‍evacuate due to rising water levels from​ Siestrzechowice. Secure belongings and seek shelter ‌in higher areas ⁢of the city. Get information on ​shelter places and emergency‍ contact⁣ numbers.

Header Tags:

⁢ H1: URGENT: Residents of‍ Nysa Warned to Evacuate Due to Rising Water Levels

H2: Secure Your Belongings and Seek Shelter

H2: Shelter Places‍ and Emergency Contact Numbers

H2: District Police and Emergency Services on‍ Alert

H2: ‌Stay Informed and Stay Safe

⁢H2:‍ What to Do ‌in ‍a Flood⁤ Emergency

Stay Safe During Flood Emergencies: Tips and Resources*

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the flood warning in Nysa:

URGENT: Residents of Nysa Warned to Evacuate Due to Rising Water Levels

As the water level continues to rise from the direction of Siestrzechowice, the crisis team has issued an urgent appeal to residents of Lazurowa, Orzeszkowa, 3 Maja, Słoneczna, and Jeziorna streets in Nysa to take immediate action to secure their belongings and seek shelter.

Secure Your Belongings and Seek Shelter

Residents of the affected streets are advised to quickly gather essential items, such as important documents, medication, and valuables, and move them to higher areas of the city. If possible, it is recommended that residents seek shelter outside of these streets, in areas that are less prone to flooding. The city’s crisis team is urging residents to take this warning seriously and take prompt action to avoid any potential risks.

Shelter Places and Emergency Contact Numbers

The City Hall has prepared shelter places for those in need. For information on the location and availability of these shelters, residents can contact the following telephone numbers:

Mobile: 667 630 400

Tel. 77 40 80 586 (24/7)

Tel. 783 681 211 (OPS)

Residents are encouraged to reach out to these numbers for assistance and guidance on finding a safe place to go.

District Police and Emergency Services on Alert

The District Police Headquarters is monitoring the situation closely and is working with other emergency services to ensure public safety. Residents are advised to follow instructions from local authorities and stay away from flooded areas.

*Stay Informed and



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