Urban hygiene in Syracuse, for the PCI “it is good to raise awareness, but then…”

The Italian Communist Party of Syracuse joins the appeal sent by councilor Salvo Cavarra to the press, to form a common front to raise awareness among citizens not to litter and to differentiate.

“We have always been looking for – they explain – using our social page, to raise awareness among the Citizens and also try to set a good example by cleaning areas of the City for free as volunteers. At the same time we believe it is necessary to ask questions to the current Councilor for Urban Hygiene and his predecessor, Mayor Francesco Italia. In the last 5 years, has the manager done what is set out in the specifications regarding raising awareness of waste separation? You, Councilor, report that the office staff work tirelessly even after hours, in some cases up to 12 hours a day, and without ever asking for overtime payment. Councilor, which staff are you referring to? And why are the staff not paid overtime and therefore insurance and social security coverage? Does this seem fair to you? And at the same time, his predecessor, the current Mayor, seems to have an allowance of 11,960.00? And in turn, all of you administrators?

“You, Councillor, report that – the note continues – and yet a situation of continuous emergency emerges…….. and continues… The company that manages the service works tirelessly to eliminate the critical issues, but the elimination of hundreds of micro landfills takes away too much staff from separate waste collection, street sweeping and washing and other services because, especially in summer, the priority is to avoid the health and hygiene risks caused by the indiscriminate abandonment of waste”, Councilor, therefore, the company is not paid extra for eliminating the critical issues and micro landfills? Instead of sweeping, washing, etc., it eliminates the critical issues and micro landfills? And who checks that the two services are equivalent? Who checks and with how many staff in the field that the streets are swept twice a week, etc…..? Does the company paid for this make a daily report? Weekly? Monthly? Do you check them? Councilor, every day the control company checks and reports to you whether the manager uses staff and resources in the amount and for the hours envisaged in your specifications? How much does the company that controls Tekra cost taxpayers? It seems that part of the weed control has been assigned to Tekra, is this assignment always carried out with the same staff and/or how many staff have been hired? Full time? And how many are planned? It seems that the situation for weed control is not optimal either, why? How do you plan to resolve it?”

“Yesterday in the city council – they add again from the PCI – the topic of urban hygiene was on the agenda but strangely the Mayor and his predecessor and you, Councilor, were not present? What’s going on? We ask you, Councilor and your predecessor, these questions in a constructive spirit because we believe it is essential to know this data and reflect on it for the administration. In the absence of this, how can we decide whether it is necessary to increase workers and resources in the next specification and/or in the current one? How much does the company paid to control Tekra cost us? How much staff does it employ in the office and in the field? Do you, Councilor, control the controller? Last but not least, we renew once again the invitation to all citizens not to litter and to differentiate because it is good for us and the environment and allows us to save fundamental resources to increase and improve the services of the City”.



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