Urban Cooling Forecast: Prepare for Cold Weather in Hong Kong

2024-01-19 09:21:00

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2024-01-19 HKT 17:21

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  • The Observatory predicts that the temperature in the urban area will drop to 8 degrees next Tuesday and the high ground may freeze

Choi Chun-wing, Acting Senior Scientific Officer of the Observatory

The Observatory stated that the weather was warm this afternoon, with the temperature rising to 24 degrees or above in most areas. It is expected that it will still be quite warm during the day tomorrow, but the temperature will change significantly tomorrow night. Choi Chun-wing, Acting Senior Scientific Officer of the Observatory, said that this cooling will be divided into two phases. Phase, the first phase will start tomorrow night. A cold front is expected to cross the coast of Guangdong from tomorrow night to Sunday morning. There will be a marathon race on Sunday. The weather is expected to be cool that morning, with the temperature dropping to around 15 or 16 degrees. We call for runners to run Pay attention to the weather forecast and adjust competition equipment according to actual conditions.

As for the second phase of the cooling process, it will start later on Monday, and the temperature is expected to drop further. By Tuesday morning, the urban temperature is expected to drop to 8 degrees, the New Territories will be severely cold, and the temperature in the highlands may drop to close to zero or below. , and there is a chance of ice forming. Affected by high-altitude disturbances, it is expected that there will be dense clouds and rain on Tuesday, and the weather will continue to be cold. Coupled with relatively strong winds, the wind chill effect will be significant, and the temperature felt by the body will be lower than the actual temperature.

#Observatory #predicts #temperature #urban #area #drop #degrees #Tuesday #freeze #RTHK

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