Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour with extensive list of demands to the next federal government

Less than four weeks before the National Council elections, the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour (AKOÖ) presented its list of demands to the next government this morning, which, according to AK President Andreas Stangl, should guarantee “confidence, stability and social security”.

There must be an end to “tax gifts for companies” as handed out by the current black-green federal government and its black-blue predecessor. Taxes on work must be reduced and tax contributions from companies increased. The reduction in corporate tax (from 25 to 23 percent) should also be reversed. A global minimum tax could counteract tax evasion by large international corporations.

Stangl was also clear on the subject of housing costs: 29 percent of households are heavily burdened by the increased housing and energy costs, and the money is therefore missing elsewhere. A cap on rent and energy prices was called for, which would ensure an annual increase of a maximum of two percent. In addition, fixed-term rental contracts should be abolished. There are already “sufficient legal options” for landlords in the event of rent arrears or personal use.

Inflation and all-day school

The federal government has failed to intervene effectively in the wave of inflation that has been rolling since 2022. Companies are increasing profit margins, which is further fueling inflation. Any profits made by energy companies or the financial sector that cannot be explained by normal market economy activity must therefore be paid by means of an excess profit tax.

Stangl believes that the fact that unemployment has risen again is “an alarm signal”. It is therefore necessary to develop a strategy that can respond to demographic and economic changes in professional fields. When training apprentices, the drop-out rate can be reduced by, for example, setting an intermediate examination during the apprenticeship. Unemployment benefits should also be increased to at least 70 percent of the last salary.

AK Director Andrea Heimberger complemented Stangl’s statement with the well-known demand for all-day school for six to 15-year-olds. The psychological problems of children and young people have multiplied since the pandemic, “which makes it all the more important now to expand psychological capacities in schools,” said Heimberger.

AI and healthcare system

A central problem area in many of the Chamber of Labor’s consultations is the long waiting times for medical treatment or nursing care places. The vacant positions in the health insurance system must be filled “as quickly as possible” and this requires a training initiative. The reserves of around 500 million euros that the health insurance company in Upper Austria has should, “as promised, finally” be invested in the state’s health system.

A separate chapter in the list of demands is also dedicated to the topic of artificial intelligence. Offers for works council training must be created, which, according to Heimberger, is necessary due to the “rapid development of technology” and open questions about the use of AI. In addition, mandatory works agreements regarding AI should be concluded.

Other topics included strengthening consumer rights, such as simplified termination of telephone contracts, or the constitutional anchoring of the statutory pension system. The AK wants to permanently abolish the pro rata pension adjustment.



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