Upholding USMCA: American Society Urges Judiciary for Clarity on IFT Adjustments

Upholding USMCA: American Society Urges Judiciary for Clarity on IFT Adjustments

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— The Current and future investors require legal certainty to develop their projects in Mexico, so, although the T-MEC will continue, the following should be analyzed constitutional reform initiatives, such as the disappearance of autonomous bodies and the Judiciary, said the president of the American SocietyLarry Rubin.

Mexico and the United States “are in the same boat” and we must work together to make the Mexican economy more attractive for attracting investments, which requires legal certainty and strengthening the bilateral relationship.

He said that while there are changes to be made to the Judiciary Mexican, “because it is a system that has not worked well at all… the reform must ensure that the process is carried out in a a much more transparent way y that there is also certainty”, so some adjustments must be considered.

At a press conference, Rubin explained that the initiative of reform of the judiciary,As it stands today, it creates a lot of noise for businessmen in the United States. That is why we have discussed both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate to take into account important changes. to attract American and foreign capital and the Mexican business class is strengthened.”

The most important thing is that judicial reform is an initiative that follows a transparent process and that The selection of judges “is far from any partisan influence” politics in particular.”

“It has to be To avoid judges having a partisan political affiliation particular and instead of promoting equity in justice, they would promote other interests that will not benefit everyone,” he said.

The American Society of Mexico calls for maintaining the IFT to avoid violating the T-MEC

Rubin also added that “in autonomous bodies, without a doubt, the IFT (Federal Telecommunications Institute) is an agency that has served in important ways and We believe that it should be one of the autonomous bodies that should not disappear. because it is marked within the T-MEC (Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada).”

Eliminating it (the IFT) would lead to a much deeper discussion. and particularly because The Treaty precedes any law and clearly there would be significant controversy,” he said.

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For the representative of the American Republican Party in our country, “the two countries have a shared future beyond the T-MEC but we also know that leaders and Investors require complete certainty and Mexico “The investment that could come to Mexico in the coming months and years is very significant.”

There may be changes

He said that the Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States Donald Trump has not spoken negatively about the T-MECso if this candidate comes to manage the American economy, there would be a review “in a positive way” as long as the United States and Canada are heard, “that is why We want judicial reform not to be an obstacle.”

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However, if the Democrat comes Kamala Harris “we don’t know what she will do with the USMCA because she voted against said treaty“Rubin added.

Regarding the pause in relations with the embassies of the United States and Canada, announced by President López Obrador, Larry Rubin said that it is an issue that must be resolved politically.

The president of the American Society He added that he invited the President of Mexico to the Third Binational Convention of the American Society, to be held on September 3 and 4, and also the Secretary of Finance, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, before whom the investors will confirm their commitments to invest in the country.

#Removing #IFT #violate #USMCA #Judiciary #provide #certainty #American #Society
2024-09-06 17:05:35
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