update on the quest for presidential candidates, three days before the deadline

There are only three days left for the contenders for the supreme office to gather the 500 sponsorships required in order to compete in the presidential election. The period for collecting the sponsorships of elected officials, mandatory to present themselves, ends this Friday, March 4. At this stage, eleven candidates have officially obtained the sufficient number of signatures.

Valérie Pécressse, Emmanuel Macron, Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Fabien Roussel, Jean Lassalle, Nathalie Arthaud and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Eric Zemmour, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and Marine le Pen crossed the required threshold and qualified for the election of April.

At the last count, the candidates of the radical right Eric Zemmour, Marine le Pen and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan qualified.

The qualification promises to be more than difficult for candidates in previous presidential elections, such as the candidate of Frexit, François Asselineau (263), preceded by the trade unionist Philippe Poutou, candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party. The latter claims a total of 342 sponsorships and assures that he ” will be there “. Then come the 181 sponsorships of the former socialist minister Christiane Taubira.

Trade unionist Anasse Kazib and Hélène Thouy of the animalist party follow with 144 and 114 sponsorships respectively.

Mission impossible for the other “little candidates” – Clara Egger, Georges Kuzmanovic, Alexandre Langlois… Contacted, they told us regarding the difficulties encountered in this quest:

See also: Presidential election and signatures: “non-system candidates” in difficulty

The sponsorship bank, the last hope of the last unqualified candidates?

On February 25, the president of the MoDem, François Bayrou, indicated that his initiative to launch a bank of sponsorships had enabled him to collect the support of 365 signatories. Initially launched to “save” candidates credited with at least 10% in voting intentions, the mechanism may also benefit other candidates such as François Asselineau or Philippe Poutou. This will be done at the discretion of the signatories, given their large number. In addition, the centrist had announced Sunday, February 27 to the Grand Jury RTL-LCI-Le Figaro that he granted his sponsorship for the presidential election to Marine Le Pen, in the name of democracy.

The final count of the Constitutional Council will take place on Thursday.

Unusual “sponsored”

On the list of sponsorships validated by the Constitutional Council, more or less known names appear, sometimes collecting one or two signatures.

Thus, we find there the name of the former President of the Republic François Hollande, who collected a signature. The socialist, who gave polite support to Anne Hidalgo, had maintained a slight suspense regarding his (improbable) presidential candidacy.

Also included is Michel Barnier, unsuccessful candidate for the Les Républicains primary. To justify this incongruous sponsorship, Mayor Françoise Benoit pointed out that Emmanuel Macron benefited from more than 1,000 sponsorships ” although he is still not a candidate. I do not see in this case why not I might not present my vote to someone who is not a candidate ».

Anesthesiologist Arnaud Chiche, slayer of the unvaccinated became an ardent defender of Ukraine, counts twelve. The deputy of Hérault Emmanuelle Ménard and the philosopher Joseph Schovanec also received sponsorship when they are not candidates. Ditto for… the humorist of France Inter, Guillaume Meurice, sponsored by three elected officials.

A mayor of the Oise is self-sponsored

As one is never better served than by oneself, the mayor of Balagny-sur-Thérain (Oise), Philippe Célestin Maréchal, has himself… self-sponsored.



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