Update on request for documents and criminal records for Cubans abroad

This week, from Collective Law Firms of Cuba, especially from the specialized services (BES) they updated on the request for Civil Status and Criminal Records documents for Cuban residents abroad.

If you live abroad, you should know that you have the opportunity to request documents issued by the Civil Status Registries of any province of Cuba, as well as the Criminal Record Certifications from the Central Registry of Sanctioned Persons.

This procedure is valid regardless of where you are, and the documents will take effect outside of Cuba, once requested, indicated from Bufetes Colectivos in Villa Clara, through a post on Facebook. But the service is offered equally in any province of the country.

According to this information, the service is offered through the Specialized Services Law Firm (BES), Villa Clara subsidiary, in this case.

Request for documents in Law Firms for Cuban residents abroad

The formalization of the service is carried out through a contract that is sent by email. To complete the process, payment must be made through an international gateway. It is important to note that, before requesting the documents, their availability in the Automated System of the Ministry of Justice (MINJUS) is verified.

This is how the request for various documents is made through Collective Law Firms, for Cubans residing abroad, a request that is made from abroad, without leaving home, according to them.

In addition, applicants can opt for the legalization of the documents obtained before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) and, if required, also before the Consulate of Spain in Cuba. It should be noted that the service does not include the sending of documents to the interested party.

For more information, interested parties can contact the email: [email protected]in the case of Villa Clara. In the case of other provinces you can request contacts through the law firms in your territory.

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