Upcoming Savings: Find Out Which Grocery Items Will Be Marked Down!

The weather conditions with the mild winter had a positive effect on some crops, while the downward path followed by the international prices of some products traded on the stock exchanges lowers production costs, which is expected to be reflected in retail as well. At the same time, with the end of the tourist season, the prices of some basic goods, such as fish for example, are estimated to return to normal levels.

According to the latest survey of the Consumer Goods Retail Research Institute (IELKA), inflation in all products sold in supermarkets fell by 1.08%, a trend that is expected to continue in the next period.


Representatives of the large chains consider the further reduction of prices in detergents and cleaning products a given, a fact attributed to the competition of the companies to maintain market shares. “We estimate that the prices of detergents, cleaners and personal hygiene items will continue to fall in the next period. A decisive factor in the reduction of prices is the measure taken by the government last March to limit the offers by 30% with a corresponding reduction on the shelf. Although at first there was a numbness in the market, ultimately the offers continue with the same intensity and the consumer is the only winner”, he notes to “ET”. top executive of a large supermarket chain.


Fresh fruits and vegetables are predicted to follow the downward trend of the last two months, as despite the effects of the drought, the good weather during the winter favored production in many products, which is also reflected in wholesale prices. For example, according to data from the Central Markets and Fisheries Organization (OKAA), dry onions, from 0.85 euros per kilo that were sold wholesale last year, have fallen this year to 0.45 euros per kilo, with their retail price it moves to 0.60-0.70 euros per kilo, when a year ago it was 1 euro.

Cheaper, processors estimate, consumers will also buy olive oil, as they see an increase in both domestic and Spanish production. “If we have rains in September and the scenario that wants Greek production to recover to 200,000 tons is finally confirmed, the price of olive oil on the shelf will drop to 8-9 euros per liter, from the 12-13 euros it is today”, reports to “ET” representative of the Association of Greek Olive Oil Standardization Industries (SEVITEL).

Dairy products

Meanwhile, increased milk production and falling producer prices have pushed down both dairy and cheese prices by 1.5%-2%. “Unless there is some dramatic change, we believe prices will continue to fall. However, the first signs are positive”, points out an executive of a large dairy industry.

It is estimated that the prices of fresh fish and seafood will also return to normal levels, which in the last two months recorded an increase of around 8% due to high demand. “Some products, such as fish and alcoholic beverages, are affected by seasonality. In the summer, because the number of tourists visiting the country is high, the demand increases, the supply is constant and thus the prices go up. However, towards the end of September, they are expected to decrease significantly”, comments a representative of the organized food retail trade.

Consumers will also see reduced prices on the shelves for other foods, such as sugar and rice, as their prices on the international exchanges are down by 20% and 10% respectively compared to last year, due to increased production. Already, the first reductions have been seen on the shelves, with sugar in July being sold 19% cheaper and rice 2% cheaper.

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