Up to $328 million can be spent by gubernatorial candidates in Ñuble – La Discusión 2024-02-24 15:59:47

Up to 8 million can be spent by gubernatorial candidates in Ñuble – La Discusión
 2024-02-24 15:59:47

In the context of the upcoming elections for mayors, councilors, governors and regional councilors to be held on October 27, 2024, the Electoral Service has determined the limits of electoral expenses that the candidacies may not exceed.

These limits are established considering a distribution according to each electoral territory according to the type of election. In the case of mayors and councilors, the territories correspond to the communes of each region; for the elections of regional governors, the territories correspond to the regions of the country; and for the elections of regional councilors, the territories correspond to the provincial constituency.

In the case of eventual primary elections for mayors and regional governors, and as established in article 44 of Law No. 20,640, candidates may not exceed 10% of the spending limits established in article 4 of the Law 19,884 depending on the type of election.

In relation to an eventual second vote for regional governor, the electoral spending limit was established in accordance with what is stated in paragraph 2 of article 4 of Law No. 19,884.

On the other hand, according to the provisions of the penultimate paragraph of article 4 of Constitutional Organic Law 19,884 on Transparency, Limit and Control of Electoral Spending, these limits must be published in the official gazette and on the website of the Electoral Service.

Limits in Ñuble

In the case of the Ñuble Region, the electoral spending limit for the regional gubernatorial primary elections will be $32,842,954. For the final elections on October 27, the limit will be $328,429,542, while, in the case of a possible second round, the amount may reach $164,214,770.

For municipal elections, each commune has different figures.

Chillán, for example, has an electoral spending limit for the October elections of $179,437,997 for mayors, and $89,718,998 for councilors; Bulnes, $27,697,020 and $13,848,510; San Carlos of $57,833,148 and $28,916,574 and Quirihue, of $16,206,903 and $8,103,451, respectively.

In the event of eventual primaries in any of the 21 communes, the maximum expenditure will be 10% of the amounts allocated for October.

For the regional councilor elections, the electoral spending limit for the province of Diguillín will be $110,266,575; for Punilla, $50,144,691; and for Itata, $32,981,015.

The information, commune by commune, can be found at servel.cl.

Last public propaganda spaces?

Meanwhile, by virtue of the electoral schedule of the eventual primary elections for regional governors, to be held on June 9, 2024; The period to carry out electoral propaganda, through the press, radio stations, activists or brigade members on public roads, in public and private spaces, will begin on May 10, 2024, and until June 6, 2024, both days inclusive.

These elections might be the last to use graphic propaganda in public spaces (2,855 places have already been designated throughout the country), since a project that eliminates plastic and other types of elements for political campaigns is in the second process in the Senate. , which would definitively put an end to the well-known pigeons and billboards, only allowing propaganda through brigade members on public roads.

If this initiative is approved, it is likely that it will be in force for the municipal and regional elections next October.

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