Unwavering Resolve: The Immongault Standoff

The Minister of the Interior and Security, Harmann Immongault decided Thursday to remove an agent from the national awareness commission on the next constitutional referendum for having called for a massive “yes” vote during the referendum.

« As soon as the press release goes out, it will give you the date… get up at 5 a.m. to vote massively Yes for this constitution “, declared the agent wearing a vest emblazoned with the logo of the Ministry of the Interior.

The invitation sparked a wave of indignation on social networks. The video filmed by an amateur quickly made the rounds on social networks with derogatory comments.

In a press release, the Ministry of the Interior regretted these comments which it considered “clumsy” hence the withdrawal of the agent in question from the awareness commission whose mission ends on Saturday.

The national awareness commission was set up and deployed throughout the country not to campaign for yes or no to the constitution but to explain to the population the role and importance of a constitutional referendum. The last referendum organized in Gabon took place in 1995.

A second commission will be set up to explain the draft constitution currently being developed before the referendum.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-10-10 21:31:00
#Immongault #chases #public #agent #campaigned

Bongo wiki

Analysis: ‍Understanding‌ the Rise of Hermann Immongault as‍ Gabon’s Minister of Interior and Security

In recent ​news, Hermann‍ Immongault has made significant moves as the Minister of Interior and Security​ of Gabon,‌ a position he⁣ has ⁤held since September 9, 2023 [[1]]. However, in this article, the specifics of his recent actions are ⁢unclear due to an incomplete⁢ text. Nevertheless, I ⁤will analyze the significance​ of Immongault’s rise to power ‌and his recent role in Gabon’s government.

Hermann Immongault is⁣ not an‍ entirely‌ new face in Gabonese politics; he⁣ previously ‌served ​as the country’s Foreign Minister [[2]]. ‍His ‍appointment as Minister of Interior and ‍Security ⁢by the⁣ interim PM on September 9, 2023, highlights ⁢his ‍influence and trustworthiness within ‌the government. This role places Immongault at the helm ⁤of the country’s internal security and law enforcement.

From available records, ⁤it ‌appears that Immongault has a ‌history of involvement⁤ in international relations and ​diplomacy [[3]]. As the former foreign minister, he ‌demonstrated an understanding of the complexities of regional and‍ international politics, a ​valuable asset for his ‌current position.

One notable example of Immongault’s diplomatic experience was his role as an emissary from⁣ President Bongo to convey Eccas’s (Economic ‍Community of​ Central African States) support for ECOWAS’ (Economic Community of West African ​States) efforts to restore democratic rule in Niger [[3]]. This shows Immongault’s ability to ‍handle delicate regional diplomatic issues.

While specific information on‍ Immongault’s recent actions ⁢as Minister of Interior and Security is not provided,‍ it ⁤can‌ be inferred that he plays a crucial role ⁢in shaping Gabon’s‌ internal security​ policies. Given his rise to power and his background ‌as a diplomat, Immongault is​ likely equipping⁤ Gabon to tackle ⁣both domestic‌ and⁢ regional‌ challenges.


Given the available ⁢information, Hermann⁤ Immongault is‌ a significant⁤ figure in Gabonese ⁣politics, having demonstrated‌ a track record ⁤of ‌diplomatic ‍efforts and​ trustworthiness ‍within the government. His appointment​ as the Minister of ⁤Interior ⁤and Security⁢ highlights the importance of balancing regional diplomatic experience ​with domestic security⁢ management.



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