Unveiling the Truth: The Confidential Conversations Between Avichai Mandelblit and Efi Neve

Unveiling the Truth: The Confidential Conversations Between Avichai Mandelblit and Efi Neve

In the recordings revealed on the 12 news this evening (Wednesday), you can hear the Avichai Mandelblitthe former attorney general, talks with Effie Nevethe former head of the Bar Association, before his appointment to the position.

During the talks, Mandelblit describes his position regarding the legal system, and points out that the attorney’s office acts in the best interest of the system and not always according to legal considerations – and this after at one point they considered appointing another attorney as legal advisor, Guy Rothkopfwho is considered an “enemy of the system” because he was acting in the form of “legal activism”, and this was stopped – according to the conversations. In addition, the reporter Amit Segal revealed that Mandelblit threatened to stop the article for legal reasons. We also noted in News 12 that these are partial recordings and not all of them.

Before and after the appointment of the ombudsman: the police intercepted Efi Neve‘s conversations with Avichai Mandelblit

In the recordings, Efi Neve brags to Avichai Mandelblit about the fact that the Bar Association representative on the search committee is acting in his favor and is making sure to hide the relationship between the two. During a conversation, Neve tells Mandelblit about the wedding of the daughter of the bureau’s representative in the search committee, Yehiel Katzand expresses doubt as to whether it is worth participating in the event. Mandelblit advises not to come. Neve also points out that the representative works for Mandelblit and Mandelblit replies with a positive response.

In another recorded conversation, Mandelblit spoke directly with Yehiel Katzin which Katz informs him of their support contrary to the procedures. In another recording, Neve describes Katz’s efforts to convince the chairman of the nomination committee, retired Supreme Court President Asher Grunis, to support Mandelblit. Neve adds that Katz plans to meet with all the committee members and explain his position to them.

Noah also asks Mandelblit if he was impressed by Katz’s activities and Mandelblit answers in the affirmative. Neve details how Katz intends to secure Mandelblit’s appointment to the committee. In addition, the article describes alleged conduct in violation of procedures, with confidential details from the committee’s discussions that are revealed by Neve, and descriptions of how Katz works against the candidacy of Raz Nazriformer Assistant General Counsel.

In addition, a briefing from the inside appears on the eve of Mandelblit’s appearance at the committee:

A: The only thing that will probably come up tomorrow is the claim that you are subordinate to the Prime Minister, work opposite him and that you have a hostile relationship and suddenly you are going to be in such a position that the relationship between you can affect you, your judgment which should be independent of the cause, and whether your closeness to the Prime Minister is not Influence that the next day you will make decisions that he won’t like or things like that, so prepare yourself.

M: Of course not, I am the legal advisor of the entire government of the cabinet. As soon as the Prime Minister called me, I came. My world is professional, not a political world.

Both of them are troubled by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who runs it, will be replaced:

N: When you get to talk to your big boss (Netanyahu) tell him that you are the chiefs (introducing Labor into the government) to delay because it will really harm your cause, really really…
M: I know, I know. He also knows his fingerprints.
N: There is talk that he wants to bring Buji instead of the Jewish Home, otherwise he can forget about the ombudsman. Shaked dedicated to you, exclamation point, she loves you, you are a religious settler, for all their reasons they are going after you with all their might.
M: I am not a settler
N: It doesn’t matter, I’m just an officer.

The two talked about the fear of disqualification at the High Court, mainly because the attorney’s office was supposed to defend him and revealed the procedures behind the scenes and the reasons they stated before the attorney’s office – defense of the system:

M: We are in a different place now. The prosecutor’s office will be with us. Yehuda spoke to me, and I said about you, we are being protected. another place
A: The question is how to protect. You know when the prosecutor’s office is with you from the heart or what…
M: No, the situation is different because Xi wants (to protect me) because of the option because of the alternative (Rotkopf).
A: They lost the token, what is the option.
M: Fell, fell.
N: How do you know?
M: Because I talked for an hour and a half with Shay. Everyone understands.
N: He understands that if you go, Rothkopf will come without blinking at all, do you understand that?
M: Yes. He understands perfectly, not only him, everyone understands there.
N: And you know what, there won’t be. They will get Rothkopf and the story is over.
M: Listen, he can bring a broom (to the deputy ombudsman), he doesn’t need (condition) eligibility for a Supreme Court. An eighty-year-old broom and there’s nothing to do. He brings what he wants.
N: That’s right. It is important that they understand that the token will fall to them that they will curse the moment Avihai left because they understand who came in his place.

The recordings also show that Mandelblit is afraid of a fight against his appointment by the then legal advisor Yehuda Weinstein, who ordered to investigate him with a warning:

M: They (jurists) think there is a targeted countermeasure here. They started with the fact that it was negligence and a low level and this, today they are talking about elimination. The whole purpose of the investigation is not because I committed a crime, thirty-six hours of investigation when they know I didn’t commit anything.
M: They listened to hundreds of my legal advice conversations with the Chief of Staff, hundreds. Something crazy like no other. This is the destruction of democracy.
N: Who approved these wiretapping?
M: Nothing, no confirmation. I am an officer in the IDF, I am the Chief of Staff’s ombudsman.
N: The fact that you went through it will make you a better and more sensitive advisor
M: A. I agree.
A: Power corrupts and is not always helpful.
M: Really, right.

Comments to the article

Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gabiron his Twitter account: “Tonight we once again saw how corrupt the prosecutor’s office is. Biased and infected from head to toe. that thwarts and prepares appointments, but only according to interests. opens political investigations. and runs from the pop-up against the law. As long as order is not made there, Israel is not a democracy.’

Minister of Communications Dr Shlomo Karai In response to Amit Segal’s disclosure: “Mandelblit and Shay Nitzan have turned the law into a tool in their hands, abusing their power to achieve their goals. State attorney, ombudsman, chairman of the chamber and it turns out that even the Supreme Court judges! – “All the illegal immigrants of Israel are on the same panel”. Criminals. The recordings published today reveal how the authorities – “let’s go” – concocted a plot of the severity we knew.

Chairman of Religious Zionism, Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich: “The tapes from Dandenblit revealed this evening by colleague Amit Segal are very sad and instructive about the sad state of the justice system in Israel and the decay and corruption that have pervaded it over the years. From the legal advice to the government, through the state attorney’s office to the Supreme Court. This is how lawyers and consultants were appointed in smelly combines and exercises, this is how judges were appointed and sewn up cases and a cynical and corrupt use of the rule of law is made. It is sad and frustrating that serious people defend this rot only because it currently serves one or another interest of theirs and do not understand that it will backfire on them.”

“When the pus comes out, the healing process begins. There is no escaping it in order for Israel to remain a strong and stable Jewish and democratic state. Now is an existential war against an external enemy and time to leave everything and focus only on what is required for victory. A moment later we will have to make amends,” he added.

Unearthing Controversy: The Revelations of Avichai Mandelblit and Efi Neve

In an explosive ⁢report revealed ​by News 12, recordings have surfaced ‍featuring Avichai Mandelblit,⁣ the‍ former Attorney General of Israel, in discussions with Efi Neve, the ex-president of the Bar Association. These conversations, recorded prior to Mandelblit’s appointment, raise significant concerns regarding the integrity and impartiality of the Israeli legal system. The discussions⁤ showcase not only Mandelblit’s perspectives on the ⁣legal system but also a web‌ of interconnections among high-ranking officials that ⁢may compromise the judicial⁣ processes.

The Set-Up:‍ Context⁢ and Background

The recordings, now partially released, illustrate a dynamic in which Mandelblit outlines ⁤the operational tactics ⁢of the Attorney General’s office. He suggests that their actions frequently align with ⁣systemic ⁣interests rather than strict legal ‍considerations. Notably, there was consideration‌ for appointing Guy Rothkopf, a legal advisor labeled⁢ as an “enemy of⁢ the system.” His approach to “legal activism” was seen as a threat,​ leading to a reconsideration of his‍ candidacy.

During the conversations, Mandelblit expresses concern⁣ about the upcoming scrutiny of‌ his appointment, particularly allegations of favoritism or political bias stemming from ​his relationship with Prime Minister⁣ Netanyahu. ‌In‌ a ⁢telling exchange, ​he⁢ insists upon the independence of his role, asserting,‍ “I am the legal⁤ advisor of the entire government,” distancing himself from partisan influences.

Revelations About Influence-Peddling

At ‍the crux ‍of the recording’s controversy is ⁣Efi ⁢Neve’s boasting about manipulating the search committee dynamics. Neve reveals how the Bar Association representative,⁣ Yehiel Katz, is backing Mandelblit’s candidacy and strategically concealing their connections from the committee. They discuss Katz’s ⁢maneuvering, which includes ‍meeting with the committee members‌ to advocate for‍ Mandelblit’s nomination—a clear breach of procedural protocol.

Neve’s comments about attending Katz’s daughter’s wedding further illustrate the intricate relationships at play, hinting⁤ at‌ a personal rather than purely professional connection that raises ethical questions regarding appointments.

Potential Violations of Judicial Independence

The substance of these recordings indicates potential violations of judicial ‍independence and the separation of powers. Detailed discussions reveal that both Mandelblit ⁢and Neve felt compelled to⁢ strategize about how to maintain power and‍ influence‌ within the legal system. They express ‍concerns over not⁤ only their reputations but also about how their actions could⁣ be challenged in the High Court.

Mandelblit,⁣ aware of implications from potential investigations, states, “The whole purpose of the investigation is not because I​ committed a crime,” indicating a fear of political retribution rather than a genuine pursuit of justice. Their concerns hint at larger systemic ‍issues within the Attorney General’s office and ​how political relationships might be influencing judicial decisions.

Public and⁤ Political Reactions

Following the release⁢ of these recordings, reactions from various political​ figures were immediate and intense. Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir took to Twitter, labeling the prosecutor’s office as “corrupt” and steeped in bias,⁤ a sentiment that aligns with the growing unrest within Israel’s political landscape ‌regarding judicial integrity.

Other officials, including Minister ⁣of Communications Dr.‌ Shlomo Karai and Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, echoed this sentiment, ‌suggesting‌ that the recordings lay bare a troubling nexus between political ambitions and legal frameworks.

Conclusion: A Call for Integrity in the Legal System

The revelations⁢ surrounding Avichai Mandelblit and Efi Neve ⁢serve as a focal point ⁤for discussions about the⁣ integrity of Israel’s legal system. As more details emerge,​ it ‌becomes ​increasingly‌ crucial for both the public ‌and regulatory bodies to scrutinize these practices rigorously. Allegations of nepotism and conflict-of-interest are concerns ​that cannot be ​brushed aside.

Ultimately, these developments underscore the urgent⁣ need for transparency and accountability in Israel’s legal landscape. In an era defined by public distrust of institutions, understanding the interplay ⁢between power, politics, and the ⁢law is ‍more vital than ever.

Keywords: Avichai Mandelblit, Efi Neve, Israeli‌ legal system, Attorney General, corruption, political influence, judicial independence, News 12, Guy Rothkopf, Yehiel Katz, transparency, accountability.

By ensuring the incorporation of ​relevant keywords and strategic headings, this article aims to attract and engage‍ readers interested in ‌legal and political developments in Israel.



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