Unveiling the Truth: Exploring Reactions to My Column on Israel’s Controversies

2023-10-14 04:00:00

Some reactions to my Thursday column regarding Israel fascinate me, to put it politely.

Anti-Semitism always comes out in the same old threadbare suits, but we see it coming miles in advance.


There is the classic: the Jews must have done something to be so hated everywhere and for so long.

There is the no less classic: Washington blindly supports Israel because Jews fill the coffers of Democrats and Republicans.

There is the most subtle, but no less hackneyed: I am not anti-Semitic, I am anti-Zionist.

But my favorite is the sententious reminder of Israel’s non-compliance with UN resolutions.

Ah, the UN, that’s noble, Sir, we are no longer in petty politics, in the petty opinions of a petty columnist.

No! We are in international law, sorry, in international law! And it is in his name, is it not, by cloaking ourselves in his dignity and his seriousness, that we condemn Israel.

All this UN concentration of wisdom and great minds must know what they are talking regarding, unlike a jerk like me.

Let’s talk regarding the UN.

It was Ban Ki-moon, himself Secretary General of the UN, who, when leaving office, recalled that between 2006 and 2017, the various bodies of his organization had adopted more resolutions condemning Israel. . what resolutions condemning ALL other countries combined!

At the UN Human Rights Council, Israel is the only country whose alleged misconduct is the subject of a statutory item on the agenda of each meeting.

To think that this body objectively cares regarding human rights is to think that PFK cares regarding the well-being of chickens.

Let’s be fair: the current Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, still had the lucidity to admit, in 2017, that denying Israel’s right to exist was the modern form of anti-Semitism.

Obviously, anti-Semitism has existed for so long and takes so many forms that it is impossible to offer a single explanation that is valid in all circumstances.

These days, it’s the one within the radical left that is most fascinating. See his embarrassment when it comes to unreservedly condemning Hamas terrorism.

How can we explain this specific discomfort of our pseudo-progressives?

False virtue

This is because a good part of the left has become Islamo-leftist. For this fringe, any criticism of Islam is Islamophobia.

This left also sees victims everywhere.

For her, the victim people par excellence is therefore the Palestinian people, ideal martyrs, since they are both Muslim and objectively suffer.

The terrorist Hamas almost becomes a detail that is minimized.

From then on, good old anti-Semitism can be cloaked in the rediscovered virtue of supporting a noble cause.

But hatred of Israel is at least as strong as sympathy for the Palestinians.

#costumes #antiSemitism



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