Unveiling the Secrets of Performance Limits in LEDs: The Auger-Meitner Effect Revealed

2023-08-08 20:10:00

Performance limits in devices such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have long sparked questions and debates among researchers. A team of researchers recently uncovered a key mechanism that could change our understanding of these limitations, especially in shorter wavelength emitters.

This new insight could have significant repercussions in the design and functionality of future electronic devices.

Researchers from the Materials Department of theUC Santa Barbara discovered the essential role of the Auger-Meitner effect, a mechanism whereby an electron loses energy by raising another electron to a higher energy state. THE Professor Chris Van de Wallewhose group conducted this research, said: “It is well known that defects or impurities — collectively called ‘traps’ — reduce the efficiency of LEDs and other electronic devices”.

This new methodology revealed that the trap-assisted Auger-Meitner effect can produce significantly higher loss rates than those caused by other mechanisms, thus solving the puzzle of the effect of defects on the efficiency of transmitters. blue or UV light. The results were published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

A phenomenon observed since the 1950s

Observations of this phenomenon date back to the 1950s. Researchers from Bell Labs and General Electric had noted its harmful impact on transistors. Van de Walle explained that electrons can get trapped in defects and become unable to perform their role in the device.

Van de Walle’s group had previously modeled this phonon-mediated process, and found that it matched the loss of efficiency observed in LEDs emitting light in the red or green regions of the spectrum. For blue or ultraviolet LEDs, the model had failed.

The Importance of the Auger-Meitner Effect

Fangzhou Zhao, postdoctoral researcher in Van de Walle’s group and principal investigator of the project, explained the importance of the Auger-Meitner effect. Rather than releasing energy in the form of phonons, the electron transfers its energy to another electron which is propelled to a higher energy state.

This process has often been attributed to Pierre Auger, who reported it in 1923, although Lise Meitner had previously described it in 1922. Earlier experimental work in the group of UC Santa Barbara materials professor James Speck , had suggested that trap-assisted Auger-Meitner processes could occur.

Results in the case of gallium nitride, a key material used in commercial LEDs, showed recombination rates more than a billion times higher. The new methodology now allows researchers to accurately assess which defects or impurities are actually detrimental to efficacy.


The discovery of the Auger-Meitner effect provided a deep and novel understanding of how defects limit the efficiency of electronic devices, especially blue and ultraviolet LEDs. The implications of this research go beyond the lighting industry and could lead to significant innovation in many areas of technology. The general computational approach developed by this team promises broad applications for all semiconductor or insulating materials where defects limit efficiency.

For a better understanding

What is the Auger-Meitner Effect?

The Auger-Meitner effect is a mechanism by which an electron loses energy by raising another electron to a higher energy state. It is a complex process that can have important consequences for how electrons interact in various materials and devices, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

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The discovery of the Auger-Meitner effect offers a new understanding of how defects affect the efficiency of LEDs, especially those emitting blue and ultraviolet wavelengths. It could lead to improvements in the design and functionality of LEDs, potentially increasing their efficiency and reducing energy losses.

What are the future potentials of this research?

This research has significant innovation potential in various technological fields. By allowing a more precise evaluation of defects and impurities in semiconductor or insulating materials, it can lead to advances in the design of many electronic devices. This could have repercussions in sectors such as lighting, electronics, and even renewable energy.

Who are the main researchers involved?

The main researchers involved in this discovery are Professor Chris Van de Walle and his group at UC Santa Barbara, including postdoctoral researcher Fangzhou Zhao. Their collaboration and innovative research led to this major breakthrough in understanding the mechanisms that govern the efficiency of electronic devices.

Why is the effect called Auger-Meitner?

The effect is named after Pierre Auger and Lise Meitner, two physicists who independently described it in the 1920s. Pierre Auger reported it in 1923, while Lise Meitner had already described it in 1922. The name spouse acknowledges the contributions of these two scientists to the discovery of this important phenomenon.

The discovery of the Auger-Meitner effect was validated through first-principle methodology, combined with state-of-the-art calculations. The researchers used this approach to conclusively establish the crucial role of the Auger-Meitner effect in the case of gallium nitride, a key material used in commercial LEDs. The results showed recombination rates more than a billion times higher, compared to the phonon-mediated process.

The research was supported by the Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences and a Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, which was awarded to Van de Walle in 2022. Zhao was awarded a Elings Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship. The calculations were performed at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC).

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#AugerMeitner #Effect #Impacts #Blue #LEDs

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