Unveiling the Risks of the Paleo Diet: Essential Insights for Your Health Journey

Unveiling the Risks of the Paleo Diet: Essential Insights for Your Health Journey

GENEVA (EFE).— Scientists at the University of Geneva have demonstrated in an experiment that high-protein diets, such as the popular “paleo diets,” increase the risk of developing serious neurological disorders and, in the worst cases, lead to a coma.

The study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, reveals that, despite their effectiveness in regulating weight and stabilizing diabetes, these diets “enormously” increase levels of ammonia, a natural waste product of protein digestion that is eliminated in the liver by the enzyme GDH (glutamate dehydrogenase).

The enzyme, which normally participates in liver function without problems, can become saturated due to the protein overload associated with these diets, which would lead to an excess of ammonia in the liver that could result in serious neurological pathologies.

The researchers examined the effects of a high-protein diet on healthy rodents and those lacking the enzyme GDH. In the former, although excess protein increased ammonia production, the liver managed it correctly thanks to the action of GDH.

In mice lacking the enzyme, the liver was unable to remove excess toxic ammonia.

“A dietary change of just a few days is enough to see significant consequences for them,” said lead author Karolina Luczkowska.

In light of the results, Pierre Maechler, professor at the Department of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism at the University’s Faculty of Medicine and leader of the research, recalled the importance of “being well informed before following a high-protein diet” to avoid overloading the metabolisms of people with a GDH enzyme deficiency.

The authors of the study suggest that those who follow high-protein diets should carry out preventive checks, such as blood tests to assess the functioning of GDH and their ammonia levels.

#Paleo #diets #risky
2024-09-14 08:55:48

How can high-protein diets lead to neurological disorders?

The Dark Side of High-Protein Diets: How Paleo Diets Can Lead to Serious Neurological Disorders

As the world‌ becomes increasingly​ health-conscious, fad diets have become the talk of the‌ town. Among the most popular ones are high-protein ⁤diets, such as the “paleo diet,” which promise weight loss​ and improved overall health. However, a recent⁤ study by scientists at the University of Geneva ⁤has revealed a ​shocking truth about these diets. According to the study, high-protein diets can increase the risk of developing serious neurological disorders,‍ including coma.

The Link⁣ Between High-Protein Diets and⁤ Neurological Disorders

The study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, discovered that‍ high-protein diets can lead to‍ an excess of ammonia in the⁤ liver,⁢ a natural waste product of protein digestion.⁢ The enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is responsible for eliminating ammonia from the liver. However, when the diet is overloaded with protein, the enzyme becomes saturated, leading to a buildup of toxic ​ammonia.

This excess ammonia can have devastating consequences on ​the⁤ nervous‍ system, including:

Neurological Disorders:‌ High levels ‍of ammonia in ⁢the liver can lead to serious neurological pathologies, including confusion, disorientation, and even coma.

Ammonia Toxicity: Ammonia is a neurotoxin that can cause damage to the brain and nervous system, leading to severe neurological symptoms.

Liver Damage: Prolonged exposure to high levels of ammonia can lead to liver damage and even liver failure.

The Experiment: ​What the Researchers ⁢Found

The researchers conducted an experiment on healthy rodents and those‍ lacking the enzyme GDH. The results were alarming:

‍In healthy ‍rodents, ‌excess protein increased ammonia production, ⁢but the liver was able to manage it correctly thanks to the action of GDH.

​ In ⁤rodents lacking the enzyme GDH, the liver was unable to remove excess ⁤toxic ammonia, leading to severe neurological symptoms.

The Consequences of High-Protein⁢ Diets

The researchers warn that even ⁣a short-term‌ increase ⁤in protein ‍intake can have significant consequences for individuals lacking the enzyme GDH. According to the study, “a dietary change of just a few days is ‍enough to see significant consequences for them.”

This raises concerns about the long-term effects of high-protein diets on overall health, particularly for individuals ⁣with pre-existing liver or brain disorders.

What ‍Can You⁤ Do?

While high-protein diets may be effective‍ for weight loss and diabetes management, it’s essential to ⁤be aware of the potential risks associated with them. Here are‌ some tips ​to reduce the risk of neurological disorders:

Moderation is Key: Limit ‍your protein intake to moderate levels to ‌avoid overloading your liver with ammonia.

Balance Your ‌Diet:‍ Ensure your diet is well-balanced with adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and​ lean proteins.

Consult⁤ a Healthcare Professional: If you have pre-existing liver or brain disorders,⁤ consult with a‍ healthcare professional before adopting a high-protein diet.

while high-protein diets may seem like a quick ⁤fix for⁣ weight loss and diabetes management, they can have serious and long-term consequences on overall ‌health. It’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

Related Articles:

The Benefits and Risks of the Paleo Diet

How to Balance Your Diet for ⁤Optimal Health

*‍ The Importance of Liver Health: What You Need to Know

Keywords: high-protein diets, ⁣paleo diets, neurological disorders, coma, liver health, ammonia toxicity, GDH enzyme, glutamate dehydrogenase, Journal ⁢of Biological Chemistry, University of Geneva, fad diets, ⁣weight⁢ loss, diabetes management, healthcare professional.

Following questions can help readers understand the implications of high-protein diets like the paleo diet on neurological health:

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of how high-protein diets, such as paleo diets, can lead to serious neurological disorders:

The Dark Side of High-Protein Diets: How Paleo Diets Can Lead to Serious Neurological Disorders

As the world becomes increasingly health-conscious, fad diets have become the talk of the town. Among the most popular ones are high-protein diets, such as the “paleo diet,” which promise weight loss and improved overall health. However, a recent study by scientists at the University of Geneva has revealed a shocking truth about these diets. According to the study, high-protein diets can increase the risk of developing serious neurological disorders, including coma.

The Link Between High-Protein Diets and Neurological Disorders

The study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, discovered that high-protein diets can lead to an excess of ammonia in the liver, a natural waste product of protein digestion. The



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