Unveiling the Remarkable Journey of Chiara Petrolini in Traversetolo

A story so absurd that it doesn’t seem to be true. The protagonist, Chiara Petroliniwho was not suspected because of her commitment to the university, her work as a babysitter and her volunteer work in the church community, is accused of having committed obscene and cruel crimes. The 22-year-old is said to have kept two pregnancies secret and killed the children and buried them in the garden. All without anyone knowing: neither her family nor her boyfriend. How was that possible?

The case of <a href="https://www.archyde.com/the-swine-plague-slows-the-export-of-parma-dop/" title="The swine plague slows the export of Parma Dop”>Traversetolo: what’s wrong?

There are currently more questions than answers in the case of Traversetolo, a municipality just outside Parma. Petrolini is being investigated for premeditated murder and concealment of bodies at the time the first body was found on August 9.

What is wrong in the case?

The girl and her family, parents and a younger brother, have been missing for days, while the small community in Parma is besieged by the press and curious onlookers.

The delicate and complex investigations by the Carabinieri of Parma, including the Ris, continue under the direction of the prosecutor Alfonso D’Avino. While some details are coming to light, there are still many points to be clarified in the case, especially with regard to the shadow of the double infanticide that hangs over the girl.

Starting with how the child, who was born through induced labor on August 7, was killed. Initial investigations have shown that the child was breathing, meaning it was born alive.

Investigations are currently being carried out on the remains of the second body, which was found later but is at least a year old, probably starting with a DNA test to determine whether this child is also the son of Chiara and the father of the child found on August 9, who is the same age as the child.

The mystery of the twice hidden belly

An attempt is made to understand how it was possible that pregnancy and drama went unnoticed in such a small and “attentive” community, even twice according to the worst hypothesis. And finally why, the motives of an apparently well-integrated, “healthy” girl who was not living on the fringes of society or in a precarious situation.

One detail that is highlighted is that the young woman’s pregnancy was not supervised by “any professional”, neither a general practitioner nor a gynecologist. The birth also “took place in the family environment, outside hospital or health facilities in general”. And above all, “it took place alone, without the collaboration or presence of anyone other than the girl herself”.

Did Chiara have an accomplice?

“She couldn’t have done all that on her own, that’s not possible.” The mother of the boyfriend of the 22-year-old girl who is said to have given birth to a child and then killed it and hidden it in the garden of the house is stunned. And who could possibly have given birth to and killed another child a year and a half ago. The woman is also shocked because she saw the young woman two days before the remains were found and suspected nothing.

“She walked around with her belly exposed all summer,” she says now, stressing how no one had noticed the pregnancy. A village, Traversetolo, just outside Parma, has been living in a state of shock and constant murmuring for over a month. And which was shocked again a few days ago with the news of the second discovery in the same garden.

Sonia, the mother of the boy who, according to DNA tests, is the father of the newborn found dead on August 9, works in a local bar and is inundated with calls from reporters. Between a coffee and a sandwich that she serves at the bar, she answers politely, unable to make sense of it. She is “relieved” by the communication from the Parma Public Prosecutor’s Office, which confirms in black and white that her son and the whole family had nothing to do with this terrible affair. “I am relieved – she tells ANSA – but nobody can take the rest away from me”.

Her son, the young father of the little child, who is the same age as her, is also “devastated, even more so”. He and the young woman accused of premeditated murder and concealing the body “have known each other since primary school, were together, had contact, we saw her two days before August 9 (the date the body was found)”. The village is small, the circle of friends is the same, the circle is always the same. So how is it possible that no one noticed that she was pregnant? “I assure you that it was not possible – stresses the woman – but we will see, she could not have done all this alone”.

After the news of the first macabre discovery, the 22-year-old and her family tried to contact the boy’s family, says his mother, “but I didn’t want to have any contact, I don’t want to see them anymore.” For a month now, “it’s all they’ve talked about in the village, we’re shocked,” says Mayor Simone Dall’Orto to ANSA. “I don’t know the family or the girl directly, but the context that is emerging seems impeccable.” The 22-year-old is not an excluded girl with “bad” contacts, she is a university student, has worked in the parish, and has also worked as a babysitter.

A normality torn apart by horror, the news of the second macabre discovery “another shock”. The village is now looking for peace, there is “a need to switch off”, says the mayor. But at least in the immediate future, that will be very difficult.

The story

The Public Prosecutor’s Office also confirms the second discovery of remains, but without committing itself, also because technical, medical-legal investigations are still underway. In relation to this second incident, which has been leaked in recent days, a dossier has also been opened for possible breach of investigative secrecy. The few but important elements recorded in black and white by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, however, only multiply the questions surrounding the case. Especially after the second discovery, which was learned practically by word of mouth in Traversetolo.

And especially considering the girl’s seemingly absolutely “normal” life context: a family in the background, university, babysitting activities, the circle of friends in the village, the church community. But what is emerging surpasses even the worst nightmare. According to the findings, the girl is said to have induced labor on August 7 – two days before the first body was found and two days before a trip abroad with the family. Then, according to the hypothesis reconstructed by the investigators, she is said to have killed the child and buried it in the garden of the house, a semi-detached house. The next day, when the family was on a flight abroad, the family dog ​​found the remains. And then the grandmother noticed it, who had settled there to look after the animal while the owners were away.

The family only returns to the village after their vacation, after about ten days. The investigations, including the Ris, progress quickly and lead the Carabinieri to dig in the garden of horror again. A month after the first macabre discovery, a second one is made. A few days ago, human remains were found again, which – according to initial examinations – match the skeleton of a 40-week-old newborn. They are said to be more than a year old. The 22-year-old is now under the terrible suspicion of double infanticide. According to the investigators, the young woman may have killed and hidden another child more than a year ago.

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Was likely one of Chiara Petrolini’s.

The Traversetolo Case: Unraveling the Mystery of⁢ Chiara Petrolini’s Grisly ⁢Crimes

In the small⁤ town of Traversetolo, just outside Parma, Italy, a shocking case has shaken the community to its core. 22-year-old Chiara Petrolini, a university⁢ student, babysitter, and volunteer in ‌the church community, has been‍ accused of⁤ committing obscene and‍ cruel crimes, including the⁢ murder of her two children ‍and burying them in her ⁢family’s garden. What makes⁤ this case even⁤ more ⁣astonishing is that‍ no one, not ‍even her family or boyfriend, suspected anything was amiss.

The Investigation Unfolds

The case began on August 9, ​when the body of a newborn baby was discovered in⁢ Petrolini’s garden.‍ Initial ​investigations revealed that the child

Of any witnesses raises further questions about the circumstances surrounding her pregnancies and the births.

The Baffling Case of Chiara Petrolini: A Story of Deceit and Concealment

In the quiet municipality of Traversetolo, just outside Parma, a shocking and disturbing story has unfolded, leaving the community reeling in disbelief. Chiara Petrolini, a 22-year-old university student, babysitter, and volunteer at the local church, has been accused of committing heinous crimes that defy comprehension. The allegations are so outlandish that they seem almost unbelievable.

The Case of Traversetolo: What’s Wrong?

The investigation into Chiara’s actions is ongoing, but one thing is certain: something is terribly wrong. The Carabinieri of Parma, led by prosecutor Alfonso D’Avino, are working tirelessly to unravel the mysteries surrounding the case. While some details have come to light, many questions remain unanswered, leaving the public and the authorities alike in a state of bewilderment.

What is Wrong in the Case?

The Petrolini family, including Chiara’s parents and younger brother, have been left stunned and bewildered by the events. The community is struggling to come to terms with the fact that a seemingly normal and well-integrated individual could be capable of such atrocities. The prosecutor’s office is working to provide answers, but the more they investigate, the more questions they uncover.

The Mystery of the Twice Hidden Belly

One of the most perplexing aspects of the case is how Chiara managed to conceal not one, but two pregnancies, and subsequently give birth to the children without anyone noticing. Her community, including her family and boyfriend, were seemingly oblivious to her condition. The fact that she gave birth to two children, allegedly killing and burying them in her garden, is a mind-boggling concept.

Did Chiara Have an Accomplice?

Many are left wondering if Chiara could have carried out these crimes alone, or if she had an accomplice. The mother of Chiara’s boyfriend has expressed her doubts, stating that it would have been impossible for Chiara to have done everything by herself. The lack of supervision by medical professionals and the absence



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