Unveiling the Overlooked Costs of Student Housing: A Guide for Renters

Not only the rental price is important

According to M. Kavaliauskas, when choosing a home, you should not forget that you will have to pay not only the rent, but also utility bills for electricity, heating, water, etc.

“Although it often seems that the largest part of the costs is the rent, the resulting amount of utility taxes can also be considerable. It depends on a number of reasons: the energy class of the home, the time of year or the selected services, such as the electricity plan and fixed electricity price,” says the company’s representative.

Company photo/Mantas Kavaliauskas

According to the interviewee, tenants rush to inquire about the electricity supplier and the chosen electricity plan as soon as they receive the first bill.

“Often, the electricity supplier or plan chosen by the landlord does not meet the tenants’ expectations – every electricity user is individual and differs in his habits and lifestyle. Therefore, it is most appropriate to discuss the choice of electricity supplier with the home owner even before concluding the lease agreement – this will save money and avoid unpleasant situations”, says M. Kavaliauskas.

According to the representative of the company, practice shows that it also happens that the home owner signed an electricity supply contract a few years ago, when a sudden price jump was observed during the energy crisis. Since the tenant usually pays the utility bills for the apartment, the lowest electricity price is often not relevant for the apartment owner. Therefore, tenants, without discussing the terms of the electricity supply contract with the home owner, have to overpay for electricity.

Different plans for different electricity consumption habits

For students, electricity supply and the choice of electricity plans may seem a rather complicated topic, so M. Kavaliauskas briefly reminds us of the features of the most commonly chosen plans.

“If the home owner has chosen the exchange plan, it is relevant for the tenant to follow the changes in the exchange and adjust the electricity consumption. In the Nord Pool exchange, electricity prices are visible by day and hour, so with a smart meter installed, you can easily track both the exchange price and your electricity consumption. If there is no smart meter in the home, the customer who has chosen the exchange plan will pay a variable price for electricity, which will depend on the changes in the exchange,” notes the representative of “Elektrum Lietuva”.

Users who choose a single time zone plan will always pay a fixed price per kilowatt hour regardless of the time of day or changes in the exchange. However, it is noticed that it is becoming more and more popular among customers to choose the tariffs of two time zones. Although using this tariff makes it a bit more expensive to use electricity during the day, it is a good idea to use the dishwasher or washing machine at night or on weekends – this way you will receive significantly lower electricity bills.

Changing your provider or plan is easy

The expert reminds that if the prices of the electricity services provided do not meet expectations, it is always possible to change both the electricity supplier and the electricity plan. It’s easy to do online, and there’s no cost to changing plans or providers.

“If the existing conditions in terms of electricity supply are unsatisfactory, another plan or supplier can be chosen after consultation with the landlord. The best offered conditions should first be checked in the calculator of the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT) – here, after entering the amount of electricity consumed, the proposals of all independent electricity suppliers’ plans will be filtered – you just have to choose the most suitable one for you”, says M. Kavaliauskas.

The representative of the company adds that when changing the supplier or electricity plan, customers consider the low price per kilowatt-hour as the most important priority, but also take advantage of additional benefits, for example, insurance against inconveniences caused by unexpected overvoltage or the possibility of using electricity produced from renewable energy sources.

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#Students #rent #housing #additional #costs #forget #Business
2024-09-07 03:39:15

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) questions ‍related to the title “Not‌ Only the Rental Price is Important: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Electricity Supplier and Plan”:

Not Only the Rental Price is Important: ⁣A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Electricity Supplier and Plan

When searching​ for a home, it’s easy to get caught up‍ in‍ the excitement⁤ of finding the perfect place. However, it’s essential to remember that‌ there’s more to ⁤consider ​than just the rental price. As M. Kavaliauskas, a representative of a leading energy company, reminds us, tenants must also consider ⁤the utility bills for electricity, heating, water, and other services. In fact, the resulting⁢ amount of​ utility taxes can be⁤ considerable, depending on‌ various‍ factors‍ such ‌as​ the⁤ energy class of ​the home,‌ the time of year, and the selected services, including the electricity plan and fixed electricity price [[3]].

The Importance of⁢ Electricity Supplier Choice

Tenants often rush to inquire about the electricity supplier ‌and chosen electricity plan as soon as they receive ‌their first⁣ bill. ⁤However, it’s ⁣crucial ‌to discuss the choice⁤ of​ electricity supplier with the home owner before⁢ concluding the lease‍ agreement. This can help save money and avoid unpleasant situations [[3]]. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for the home owner⁤ to ‍have signed an ​electricity⁤ supply contract ⁢a⁣ few years ago, which may no longer be suitable for the tenant’s needs. As a result, tenants may end up overpaying for electricity without even realizing ⁢it.

Different ⁣Plans for Different Electricity Consumption⁤ Habits

Choosing the⁣ right electricity plan can be overwhelming, ​especially for students. M. Kavaliauskas explains that there⁢ are various plans to suit different ‍electricity consumption ​habits. For example, if ⁣the home ⁤owner has‍ chosen the‌ exchange‍ plan, tenants need to follow the changes in ⁢the⁢ exchange and adjust their electricity consumption accordingly. ⁤With​ a smart meter⁤ installed, ⁢it’s easy to⁣ track both the exchange price and electricity consumption. On⁣ the other hand, ‌users who choose a single time zone⁣ plan⁣ will always pay a fixed price per kilowatt hour,⁣ regardless of the ‍time of day or changes in the exchange ​ [[3]].

Changing‌ Your Provider ‌or⁢ Plan is Easy

The good news is that‌ if the prices⁢ of the electricity services provided don’t meet⁣ expectations, it’s easy to ⁣change both the electricity supplier and the‌ electricity plan. This can⁢ be‌ done online, ⁢and ‍there’s no ​cost to ⁣changing ‍plans or providers [[3]]. When‍ selecting a new plan or ⁢supplier, it’s essential to consider factors such ⁣as rates, terms and conditions, ⁤payment methods, customer service⁣ ratings, sustainability credentials, and additional services [[2]]. By using online tools, such as the calculator of the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT), tenants can easily compare ‌different plans ⁢and choose the most suitable one for their needs.

Tips for Choosing the Right Electricity Supplier‌ and Plan

  1. Discuss the ‍choice of electricity supplier with the home owner before concluding the lease ​agreement to avoid⁤ unpleasant situations and potential overpayment.
  2. Consider your electricity⁢ consumption habits ‍ when choosing a plan, and⁣ opt for one that suits your lifestyle.
  3. Compare different plans and ‌suppliers using online tools, such as the calculator of the State Energy Regulatory Council (VERT).
  4. Check the rates, ⁣terms⁤ and conditions, payment methods, customer service ​ratings, ⁤sustainability credentials, and additional services offered by different suppliers.
  5. Don’t be afraid to switch if the prices of ‍the electricity services provided don’t‍ meet your ⁤expectations.

choosing the right electricity supplier and‍ plan is crucial ‌for tenants who want to avoid overpaying for electricity and ensure a ⁤comfortable living‍ experience. ​By following these‌ tips ‌and considering the factors mentioned above, tenants can make an informed decision⁤ and find the best electricity supplier ‌and plan⁢ to suit their needs.


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Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **Not Only the Rental Price is Important: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Electricity Supplier and Plan**:

Not Only the Rental Price is Important: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Electricity Supplier and Plan

When choosing a home, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking about the rental price and forget about other important expenses, such as utility bills for electricity, heating, water, and more. However, these costs can add up quickly and become a significant burden on your wallet. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of considering electricity suppliers and plans when renting a home, and provide guidance on how to choose the right one for your needs.

Not Only the Rental Price is Important

According to M. Kavaliauskas, when choosing a home, you should not forget that you will have to pay not only the rent, but also utility bills for electricity, heating, water, and more [1[1]. The energy class of the home, the time of year, and the selected services, such as the electricity plan and fixed electricity price, can all impact the amount of utility taxes you’ll need to pay.

Different Plans for Different Electricity Consumption Habits

For students, electricity supply and the choice of electricity plans may seem like a complicated topic, but understanding the different options can help you save money and avoid unpleasant situations. There are various plans available, including exchange plans, single time zone plans, and two-time zone plans [2[2].

* Exchange plans: If the homeowner has chosen an exchange plan, it’s essential to follow changes in the exchange and adjust your electricity consumption accordingly. With



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