Unveiling the New Generation: Meet the Fresh Faces of the European Commission

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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who was re-elected to her role in July for another five-year term, today announced the list of 26 commissioners she will propose to the European Parliament. There will be 27 in total, including herself: 11 women and 16 men.

These are the candidate commissioners proposed by von der Leyen:

The European Commission is the body that holds executive power within the European Union: the commissioners are in short comparable to ministers of a national government. Each commissioner has been officially indicated by one of the member countries of the Union, after an informal negotiation with von der Leyen herself on the name and the competences to be attributed to them. For now, von der Leyen’s is only an announcement: in the coming weeks the candidate commissioners will participate in hearings at the European Parliament, similar to a sort of exam on their preparation in the subject they will deal with and on their political positions. At the end of the hearings – between November and December – the Parliament will have to express its opinion en bloc on the Commission proposed by von der Leyen.

The list includes people who will have no difficulty passing the Parliament’s hearings, due to their previous experience and political stature: above all, the outgoing commissioners such as the Slovak Maroš Šefčovič and the Latvian Valdis Dombrovskis, in office since 2009 and 2014 respectively. Others, however, will probably receive a little more attention: for example, the Italian candidate Raffaele Fitto, highly respected in the European context but representing a government that has a strong Eurosceptic component within it, such as that of Giorgia Meloni. It is possible that the male candidates will receive more pressure during the hearings, given that they have increased compared to the last Commission chaired by von der Leyen (who had explicitly asked to achieve gender parity).

The process of putting together the new Commission has been rather tortuous: initially, von der Leyen had asked all governments to nominate two names of possible commissioners, one woman and one man, in order to respect gender equality, without success. In recent days, there has been some turmoil due to the resignation of the outgoing French commissioner, who in theory had also been nominated for the new commission, Thierry Breton. The official announcement of the list was then postponed due to an internal political issue within the Slovenian governmentwhich initially did not allow the official indication of the candidate for Slovenian commissioner.

– What are the key responsibilities of the newly proposed European Commission ⁤under Ursula von der Leyen?

European ⁣Commission President Ursula ​von der Leyen Unveils New List of ‌26 Commissioners

In a significant development for the European Union, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has⁣ announced her proposed list of 26 commissioners, including 11 women and 16 men, to be presented to the European Parliament. This move marks a crucial step in shaping the ‍EU’s executive body, with the new Commission set to play a vital role in addressing the bloc’s pressing challenges.

A Balanced ‌Team

The proposed commissioners, hailing from diverse backgrounds⁤ and expertise, will undergo hearings at the‌ European Parliament in the ⁤coming weeks. This grueling process will assess their preparedness to tackle the ⁤complex issues ⁣within their‌ respective portfolios.⁤ The Parliament’s ⁢approval is ‍crucial, as it will ultimately determine the composition of the new ⁤Commission.

Notable figures on the list include ​seasoned veterans such as Maroš Šefčovič and Valdis Dombrovskis, who ‍have served as commissioners since 2009 and 2014, respectively. Their extensive experience‍ and political ‍acumen are expected to sail them‌ through the hearings with⁢ ease.

However, some candidates, like Italy’s Raffaele Fitto, may face closer scrutiny due to the Eurosceptic leanings of their government. Fitto, a respected figure in⁢ European circles, will need to demonstrate his‍ commitment to EU​ values and policies.

Gender Balance and Diversity

One​ notable aspect of von der Leyen’s proposed Commission is the slight tilt towards male candidates, which may attract‍ attention⁤ during the hearings. The President had previously ⁢aimed for gender parity in her Commission, and the slight imbalance may be a cause for concern.

The composition of the new Commission is the⁣ result⁢ of a meticulous process, with each commissioner nominated by one of the EU’s member states after informal negotiations with von der Leyen. The negotiating process has been described as “tortuous,” with all governments initially asked ⁤to nominate two candidates for each portfolio.

The⁤ Road Ahead

The hearings, scheduled to⁤ take place between‌ November‍ and December, will ​be ​a critical test for‌ the‌ candidate commissioners. If approved, the new Commission will be officially sworn in, marking the beginning of a new⁣ chapter in EU politics.

As ⁢the EU faces numerous challenges, from climate change to economic growth, the new Commission​ will be tasked with developing and implementing⁢ effective ​policies to address these pressing issues. With her ​proposed list of commissioners, ⁣von der Leyen has demonstrated ⁢her​ commitment to assembling a diverse and experienced team‌ capable of driving the EU ⁤forward.

Key Takeaways

European Commission President Ursula ⁤von der Leyen has proposed a list of 26⁢ commissioners, ⁢including 11 women and 16 men.

The candidate commissioners will undergo hearings⁣ at the European Parliament to assess their preparation and political stance.

Notable figures on the list include experienced commissioners like Maroš Šefčovič and Valdis Dombrovskis.

The ⁣slight imbalance in gender representation ‌may attract attention during the‌ hearings.

* The new Commission will ⁤play a crucial ⁢role in shaping EU policies ⁤and addressing pressing challenges.

By shedding light on the composition of the ⁢new European Commission and the challenges that lie ahead, this⁣ article provides valuable insights‌ into the inner workings of EU politics and ‌the role ⁢of the Commission in shaping the bloc’s future.

What are the names of the 26 commissioners proposed by Ursula von der Leyen?

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen Announces New List of 26 Commissioners

On [current date], European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, re-elected for another five-year term in July, announced the list of 26 commissioners she will propose to the European Parliament. This list includes 11 women and 16 men, with a diverse range of candidates from across the European Union.

Who are the Candidate Commissioners?

The list of candidate commissioners proposed by von der Leyen includes:

Valdis Dombrovskis, a Latvian commissioner who has been in office since 2014

Maroš Šefčovič, a Slovak commissioner who has been in office since 2009

Raffaele Fitto, an Italian candidate who is highly respected in the European context, but represents a government with a strong Eurosceptic component

The Role of the European Commission

The European Commission is the body that holds executive power within the European Union, similar to a national government. Each commissioner has been officially indicated by one of the member countries of the Union, after an informal negotiation with von der Leyen herself on the name and the competences to be attributed to them.

Hearings at the European Parliament

In the coming weeks, the candidate commissioners will participate in hearings at the European Parliament, similar to a sort of exam on their preparation in the subject they will deal with and on their political positions. At the end of the hearings, between November and December, the Parliament will have to express its opinion en bloc on the Commission proposed by von der Leyen.

Challenges Ahead

The process of putting together the new Commission has been rather tortuous, with some governments failing to nominate two names of possible commissioners, one woman and one man, as requested by von der Leyen to respect gender equality. There has also been some turmoil due to the resignation of the outgoing French commissioner, Thierry Breton. The official announcement of the list was then postponed due to these issues.

What’s Next?

The European Parliament will now have to evaluate the candidate commissioners and express its opinion on the Commission proposed by von der Leyen. This will be a crucial step in shaping the future of the European Union and its policies.

In Conclusion

The announcement of the new list of commissioners by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen marks an important milestone in the formation of the new European Commission. The coming weeks will be critical in determining the fate of the candidate commissioners and the direction of the European Union.

Keywords: European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, European Parliament, Commissioners, Gender Equality, European Union, Thierry Breton, Raffaele Fitto, Valdis Dombrovskis, Maroš Šefčovič.

Meta Description: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces new list of 26 commissioners, including 11 women and 16 men, to be evaluated by the European Parliament.

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