Unveiling the New Commanders of Sedena and Marina: A Dive into Their Troubling Backgrounds

Unveiling the New Commanders of Sedena and Marina: A Dive into Their Troubling Backgrounds

Peniley Ramírez reveals the versions of military sources on the history of the next heads of the Sedena and the Navy

MÉRIDA.- The future owners of the Ministry of Defense and Navy generate mixed opinions among the military, who revealed details of their history. According to Peniley Ramírez, the arrival of Ricardo Trevilla Trejo It is a better view than that of Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles.

However, in her column this week the journalist recalls the death of two students at the hands of the military, a case whose communication strategy was handled by Trevilla Trejo, who was then spokesperson for the Sedena. Below are excerpts from the today’s article published in national circulation media.

New military commands

On March 18, 2010, students Jorge Mercado and Javier Arredondo left the campus of Tec de Monterreyin Monterrey, for dinner. They died shortly after, when they were murdered. Soldiers planted weapons and drugs on them to make it look like they were criminals.

In the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) was concerned about the version that the military spread from Nuevo Leon that Jorge and Javier were hitmen. They soon saw that it would be difficult to sustain the lie. The family and the Tec would not allow it. The military made a practical decision: to exonerate the commanders, allow an investigation and “sacrifice” the low-ranking officers who committed the crime.

And the one who approved this pragmatic decision was Ricardo Trevilla Trejoso Director General of Social Communication of Sedena and who will be next now Army Chief in the government of Claudia Sheinbaum.

During his long military career, those who have known Trevilla describe him as a practical, discreet, very intelligent, and multilingual man. He made good contacts as Mexican military attaché in Germany. In the federal government, they believe that he is the military man who best knows the violence in the country today thanks to his most important position. recent as Chief of Staff National Defense Ensemble. Previously, he was commander in Piedras Negras and Apatzingán.

Military sources told me that Trevilla appears to be the most independent candidate. “He has the recognition of active and retired commanders.” They also celebrate the fact that he has not been in charge of any presidential megaproject.

Who is Raymundo Pedro Morales?

With the Navy, expectations are more worrying. Claudia Sheinbaum yesterday named as its new head Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles, a Naval Sciences engineer. Unlike his colleague at Sedena, his career is more modest. As for achievements, sources value that he was the deputy naval attaché at the embassy in the US, which means that he managed the relationship with the American security agencies.

What is worrying in the military sector is that he does not come from an Undersecretary, the Chief of Staff, the Head of the General Staff or the Command of a naval region, as usually happens in such appointments. His most recent position was as director general of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.

This is one of the President’s key projects. AMLO recently confirmed that his son Gonzalo has an “honorary position” overseeing the Corridor. “We see a lot of corruption in this project,” a military source told me. “A lot of land is being bought in the areas where the train passes and there is a lot of opacity.”

Now, the same person who has overseen that work, and could eventually order an investigation into the handling of money there, will be leading the Navy.

#heads #Sedena #Marina #controversial
2024-09-15 06:36:56

– What is⁢ the purpose of the HTML `

` element in web ​development? ⁤

I apologize, but it‌ seems that ⁢the provided content is not related to ​the HTML

element, which is a ⁢fundamental building block of HTML ‌documents. ⁢Instead, the content appears to be a news article discussing ‌military officials in Mexico.

If you’d like, ‍I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

elements,⁤ covering their⁤ syntax,‍ usage, and best practices. Here’s a sample article:


Element: A Versatile Building Block of HTML


element is a fundamental component of HTML, used to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic⁤ purposes.⁤ It is a generic container element that can be used to ⁣wrap a variety of content, including text, images, and other HTML elements.


The basic syntax of the

element is as follows:

Content goes here

You can add attributes to the

element to provide additional information about the content it contains. For example:



element is commonly used for a variety⁣ of purposes, including:

  1. Content grouping: To group related content together, such as a header, footer, or navigation menu.
  2. Styling: To apply styles to a group‌ of elements, using CSS selectors to target the
  3. Layout: To create complex layouts, using ⁢
    elements to create rows,⁣ columns, and grids.
  4. Semantic meaning: To provide ‌additional semantic meaning to a group of elements, such as indicating a section or article.

Best Practices

When using the

element, follow these best practices:

  1. Use meaningful IDs and classes: Use descriptive IDs and classes to identify the purpose​ of the
    element, making it easier to target with CSS and JavaScript.
  2. Keep it semantic: Use the
    element to provide ⁣additional ​semantic meaning to a group of elements, rather than simply for styling purposes.
  3. Avoid over-nesting: ⁣Avoid⁣ nesting
    elements excessively, as this can⁢ lead to complex and difficult-to-maintain HTML ​structures.



element is a versatile and essential component ⁣of HTML, used to group elements together for styling, layout, and ⁢semantic purposes. By⁢ following best practices and using the⁤

⁢ element judiciously, you can create well-structured and maintainable HTML documents.

– What are the key benefits of using the `

` element in web development?

The Power of

: Understanding its Purpose in Web Development

Table of Contents

  1. New Military Commands
  2. Who is Raymundo Pedro Morales?
  3. What is the Purpose of the HTML

HTML elements are the building blocks of a website, and understanding their purpose is crucial for web developers. One of the most versatile and widely used elements is the

element. In this article, we will explore the significance of

in web development and its applications.

New Military Commands

In a recent article, Peniley Ramírez revealed the versions of military sources on the history of the next heads of the Sedena and the Navy. The future owners of the Ministry of Defense and Navy generate mixed opinions among the military, who revealed details of their history.

Who is Raymundo Pedro Morales?

Raymundo Pedro Morales Ángeles is a military officer who will be taking on a new role in the government. However, his appointment has been met with mixed reactions from the military. In this section, we will delve deeper into his background and experience.

What is the Purpose of the HTML

Element in Web Development?


element is a generic container element in HTML that is used to group other elements together. It is a block-level element that allows developers to wrap other elements, including text, images, and other HTML elements, to create a logical grouping.

Purpose of

The primary purpose of

is to provide a way to apply styles, layouts, and JavaScript functionality to a group of elements. It does not have any inherent meaning or functionality on its own, but it provides a way to structure and organize content on a web page.

Applications of

  1. Layout and Styling:
    is often used to create layouts and apply styles to a group of elements. By assigning a class or ID to the

    element, developers can target it with CSS styles and JavaScript scripts.
  2. Content Organization:
    helps to organize content on a web page by grouping related elements together. This makes it easier to manage and maintain the structure of a web page.
  3. Accessibility:
    can be used to provide alternative text for images, making web pages more accessible to users with disabilities.
  4. JavaScript Functionality:
    can be used as a container for JavaScript-generated content, such as dynamic menus or interactive elements.


element is a versatile and essential part of web development. Its purpose is to provide a way to group elements together, apply styles and layouts, and create logical structures on a web page. By understanding the role of

in web development, developers can create more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly websites.



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