2023-09-01 17:45:54
The rules of the game have changed, and they might well turn once morest you if you benefit from the RSA or the activity bonus. A new mention, the “net social amount”, appears on payslips. This change, far from being insignificant, risks reducing your aid. Explanations.
Be careful, your payslip reveals a change that can cost you dearly!
The administration has decided: since July 1, your payslips have included an additional line, called montant net social. This information seems technical, but it will impact the calculation of aid such as the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) and the activity bonus.
In theory, this mention is supposed to make your life easier. Rather than calculating your rights yourself by deducting social security contributions from your salary, everything is automated. Simple, isn’t it? But what you are not told is that this simplicity comes at a cost.
The hidden face of the “net social amount”: are you affected by the decline?
“The devil is in the details”
The montant net social includes much more than just your salary. It includes all benefits in kind and other bonuses that you may receive. We are talking here regarding “restaurant tickets, benefits in kind for food or pension contributions”. So many elements that will artificially inflate this amount.
To put it simply, the higher this amount, the less you will be entitled to aid. And that’s the rub. You are very likely to declare higher amounts than previously, which might lead to a reduction in your aid.
Winners, losers: the government comes out of the woodwork
If the games seem made for some, others might find their account. A government adviser assures us that“there will also be winners, those who did not receive anything, for lack of asking or knowing their rights”. Some may discover aids to which they had always been entitled without knowing it.
The objective behind this change is to limit calculation errors and automate declarations. The CAF and the MSA will henceforth be informed directly by the employers. But beware, the other side of the coin is that most recipients might see their aid drop.
You have until 2024: here’s what you need to do
Let’s not forget that the reform gives recipients some respite. Indeed, the obligation to postpone the montant net social on quarterly declarations will only become effective from 1 January 2024. Until then, it is the status quo. But it’s only a matter of time. Get ready, because your monthly budget might take a hit.
The question now arises: what can you do? The first step would be to check the details of this new mention on your payslip. Then, do not hesitate to approach the CAF or the MSA to obtain clarifications on your specific situation.
The “net social amount” appears to be an administrative simplification, but it is far from being neutral for your portfolio. Between aid potentially revised downwards and a more automated system, recipients of the RSA and the activity bonus have reason to wonder. If some will see it as a godsend, others will have to tighten their belts.
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