Unveiling the Future: Seats and Lamps of the Fifth-Generation TGV Inoui 2025

2023-09-06 17:51:04

The railway company presented on Wednesday the seats and lamps that will equip the trains of the fifth-generation TGV M, expected in 2025 on the Paris-Lyon-Marseille line.

The “TGV of the future” is unveiled. The first trains of the fifth-generation high-speed train, hitherto known by its project name “TGV M” and now called “TGV Inoui 2025”, will run on the Paris-Lyon-Marseille line from 2025. After presenting the power and passenger cars in 2022, SNCF is now lifting the veil on the design of the seats and lamps that will equip future trains.

“We spend 96% of our time on a train on the seat! The seat is fundamental to the traveler’s experience,” said Alain Krakovitch, director of TGV-Intercités, at a press conference on Wednesday evening.

Blue and red

As for the second class seats, it’s time for blue, a “vibrant, reassuring and elegant blue” which evokes “the reflections of water and vitalizes the space”, according to the SNCF. The railway company praises the innovations of its new equipment, citing a height-adjustable headrest, individual sockets or a mini-tablet acting as a telephone holder.

The future second-class seats of fifth-generation TGVs. – BFM TV

Red dominates the first class seats. SNCF promises a “warm red” reminiscent of “sociability”. In addition to a height-adjustable headrest and an electric motor for tilting the seat, the seat is 5 centimeters wider than before, underlines the company, for whom this will make it possible to “put some things next to you” like a bag or jacket.

The future first class seat of the fifth generation TGV. – BFM TV

“Hammock effect”

According to the SNCF, the “85% wool” covering will be stretched over a light structure producing a “hammock effect” which “matches the shape of the back”. Above all, this new structure made it possible to refine the seat and gain 5 centimeters for the legs in second class. In addition, the internal foam is “twice as soft” as that of the old generation TGVs, assures the group.

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The lamps will be yellow, to “add a touch of bright color to the space”. For the SNCF, the rounded shape of the lamps “brings a humorous tone” to the wagons.

The future lamps that will equip the fifth generation TGVs. – BFM TV

According to the railway company, 15 seat models were tested by a hundred customers of different morphologies, who left comments but were also filmed to observe their postures and possible discomfort problems, before selecting those who will equip the seats. new TGV trains. “We carried out 250 hours of tests,” says Alain Krakovitch.

Frederic Bianchi and Jeremy Bruno

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