Unveiling the Fetching Instincts of Cats: A Playful Pursuit Beyond Canine Competition

Although their domestication history and behaviour are very different, dogs and cats have much in common. When they play chase or fetch, both combine elements typical of their predatory and social nature.

In addition, both live closely with humans, with whom they are able to maintain rich experiences of interaction.

In our Newly published studywe found that over 40% of participating cats played fetch, compared to almost 80% of dogs. We also outlined several possible reasons for fetch, such as genetic selection during the domestication process or learning effects.

Toyger breed cat.
Wikimedia Commons, CC BY

Scarce research

It all started when, in 2023, British researchers published a study exploring some Key features of search in catsAfter surveying 924 cat owners, they found that these animals retrieved a wide variety of objects, from pet toys and paper balls to pens, bottle caps and even shoes.

Perhaps most intriguing was the fact that they were not generally trained to fetch objects, but did so spontaneously. They also preferred to take the initiative and played more when they brought a toy to their owner than when the owner threw it to them.

However, since this study only looked at toy-seeking felines, there was no way to compare the results to the behavior of other cats.

This is how, in Our research teamwe set out to find out what made some people more likely to search than others.

Bring the ball!

And the dogs? Searching is one of the Most common forms of play between dogs and humans. Many dogs have been bred and selected specifically to assist in human hunting. Recovering prey. So we expected to find a wealth of research on their search behavior. But we were wrong.

To help fill this gap, our group partnered with James Serpell, researcher at the University of Pennsylvaniawhich had developed two survey-based tools to assess the behavior of dogs and cats. These include basic questions about each animal’s breed, age, and living environment, followed by dozens of sections on its behavior, including traits such as predatory behavior, sociability with humans, activity level, fear, or foraging.

It doesn’t matter the size or breed. Most dogs like balls, just like this little dog.
Hamberty / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY

Using a sample of thousands of pet owners, we analyzed the results to find out how common it is to engage in foraging activity and what characteristics of the pet and its environment can predict this behavior.

Dogs seek more

We found that this is much more common in cats than we expected. More than 40% “sometimes, usually or always” searched. The percentage rose to 78% in dogs.

Interestingly, being male was associated with increased fetching in both species. Conversely, being older and having health problems decreased the likelihood. In all cases, furthermore, sharing a home with another dog also decreased the likelihood that the animal represented in the survey would play fetch.

There were also differences between breeds, especially among dogs. Those that are popular for being receptive to human instructions and for being interested in toys, such as German Shepherdslos golden retriever and the Labrador Retrieverswere among the most likely to search. At the opposite pole, were the hounds and livestock guarding dogs.

Furthermore, their searching behavior correlated with their receptivity to training, regardless of breed, pointing to the potential importance of early selection of dogs to assist humans, long before we started developing the different breeds.

On the other hand, there are far fewer breeds of cats than dogs, and in our study there were fewer purebred cats than dogs. Still, we found breed differences among cats as well. Siameselos tonkineseslos Burmese and the Bengalis were the most likely to search.

We found, in this case, that there was a correlation with the level of activity: cats that were more fond of running, jumping, interacting with new objects at home and initiating play with their owners were more involved in games of searching for objects.

The more interactive the relationship with its owner, the more likely the cat is to participate in the game of fetching the ball.
Maine / Wikimedia Commons

From hunting to capturing

The roots of this behavior lie in hunting practices. Cats are known as stalking hunters, meaning they sneak up on their prey and They pounce at the right momentMeanwhile, dogs are believed to be chase predators that They chase their prey over long distances.

Breed development has altered the typical sequence of predatory behavior in dogs: orient, look, stalk, chase, grab-bite, kill-bite. Today, those that have been bred for exaggerated or heightened “chase and/or grab-bite” behavior – such as pointers and retrievers–are more likely to search and less likely to complete the predatory, “kill-bite” sequence.

However, both cats and dogs carry prey far from the kill site, which may also partly explain how fetch behavior can arise.

The game between species

We have seen how, despite all the differences, dogs and cats converge in a similar behaviour when it comes to chasing or fetching an object that is thrown to them. It is an activity that highlights the key role of the human-animal relationship… even if our pets perceive us simply as the element that makes the toy move so that they can chase it.

When there is a dog in the house, cats are less likely to engage with their owner in fetching activities.
Orlovic / Wikimedia Commons, CC BY

On the other hand, although cats are often thought of as independent and aloof, recent studies have found that they can show attachment to humans, pick up social cues from humans and, including, recognize the voice of its owner.

We hope our study will encourage people to understand that they are capable of forming affectionate relationships with us, especially when these popular pets are well socialized and provided with an enriched and safe environment. Including fetch, if your kitty is so inclined.



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