Unveiling the Enchanting Landscape of Moroccan Media Trends – September 14, 2024


Below is a presentation of the most prominent headlines in the national newspapers issued today, Saturday, September 14, 2024.

Al-Sakuri promises positive interaction with unions’ demands regarding strike (Al-Akhbar)

Table of Contents

The government of Aziz Akhannouch launched its social entry to the rhythm of the social dialogue sessions regarding the law regulating the strike. Yesterday, Friday, Younes Sekkouri, Minister of Economic Integration, Small Business and Employment, held a meeting with representatives of the most representative trade union centers, to follow up on the discussion of the strike law, which will enter the detailed discussion phase. Trade union sources confirmed to “Al Akhbar” that Sekkouri showed a positive interaction with the demands of the trade union centers and the Moroccan Enterprises Federation regarding the review and amendment of several articles of the draft law that was established since 2016, especially with regard to demands to ensure the compatibility of the draft organic law with the provisions of the constitution and international legislation related to the exercise of the right to strike.

Baytas: More than 431,000 widows benefit in urban and rural areas (Al-Akhbar)

The Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament, Government Spokesman, Mustapha Baitas, confirmed that more than 431,000 widows have benefited from direct social support, supporting 158,000 children in urban and rural areas. Mr. Baitas stressed, during a press conference following the weekly meeting of the Government Council, that the implementation of this royal program has enabled widows, whether they have custody or not, to benefit from direct social support, which has been set at a minimum of 500 dirhams, explaining that this compensation will gradually increase annually, in order to reach 400 dirhams as compensation for each child by 2026.

Morocco celebrates at the Palais des Nations in Geneva the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (Socialist Union)

On September 26, the Palais des Nations in Geneva will host a high-level discussion session on the theme “The interrelationship between justice, reform and memory in the context of transitional justice”, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission. This event, organized by the National Human Rights Council on the sidelines of the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, is an opportunity to shed light on one of the most prominent reforms in the transitional justice process launched under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. Ambassador Omar Zniber, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations Office in Geneva and current President of the Human Rights Council for the year 2024, said that commemorating the establishment of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission in conjunction with the holding of this major human rights event in Geneva, allows us to highlight one of the major reforms launched by His Majesty the King in terms of institutional life in Morocco.

The Democratic Federation of Labor rejects the government’s attempt to pass the law regulating the strike (Socialist Union)

The Democratic Federation of Labor expressed its rejection of the government’s attempt to pass the law regulating strikes and its rejection of the methodology adopted in implementing a law that guarantees a constitutional right for all citizens. In a statement received by the newspaper, the central office of the Democratic Federation of Labor called for the withdrawal of all restrictive articles included in the draft law, which explicitly contradict the freedom of association guaranteed by the constitution and international agreements. The Democratic Federation of Labor stressed the need to issue a trade union law so that it would be an entry point for reforming the trade union scene and strengthening the supervisory roles of professional organizations.

Entrepreneurship Index: Morocco strengthens its superiority over North African countries and advances to 61st place globally (Al-Ummah Message)

Morocco ranked first in the North Africa region, seventh in the Arab world, and 62nd globally in the “Entrepreneurship Index 2023”, issued by the American media network “US News and World Report”, thus dropping three places compared to the rank it occupied last year in this index. The index report, which was formed in partnership with the “BAV” Group, a subsidiary of the global marketing communications company “VMLY & R”, and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, based its classification on a survey that included more than 17,000 people from all over the world, and was conducted during the period between March 17 and June 12.

British Chariot announces the discovery of a significant gas reserve in the Lixus offshore field (Al-Ummah Message)

The British company “Chariot”, which holds licenses to explore for natural gas in Morocco, announced reaching results indicating the presence of new quantities of gas in the “Anchoua 3” field off the coast of Larache. The company confirmed, in a statement, a new update on the Anchoua (3) well, which is currently being drilled in the “Anchoua” gas project under the Lexus Offshore license, off the coast of Larache province based on a joint license that brings it together with the Greek-British company “Energean” and the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines, which owns 25% of the project. The same statement explained that it is related to the discovery of unknown quantities of natural gas, within the field in which “Energean” owns 45% of the operating rights, compared to 30% for “Chariot” and 25% for the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines.

A confirmed case of monkeypox was recorded in Morocco (Al-Ummah Message)

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced the registration of a confirmed case of monkeypox (M-pox) in Morocco, which was discovered within the health protocol adopted in the Kingdom since the start of this global health alert, as “the infected person received the necessary health care in a specialized medical center in the city of Marrakech, and is in a stable health condition that does not call for concern.” According to the ministry, the infected person is receiving appropriate medical care in accordance with the approved health procedures, and is subject to close medical monitoring to ensure the stability of his condition, adding that the necessary health isolation and medical follow-up procedures have been activated in accordance with national and international health standards.

Doctor confirms that recording the first case of “monkeypox” is not a cause for concern (Al-Masaa)

Following the announcement by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the first confirmed case of monkeypox (M-pox) in Morocco, the day before yesterday, Thursday, Tayeb Hamdi, a doctor and researcher in health policies and systems, confirmed that this “does not cause any concern at all,” stressing that the goal of the vigilance system “is not to prevent the virus from entering the country,” before adding that “any country in the world is at risk of the virus entering it because it is easily transmitted from person to person.” The researcher in health policies and systems said in an audio recording that “the registration of the first case means that the vigilance and surveillance system in Morocco is effective,” noting that the goal of the vigilance system is “to detect imported cases very early, and to work to limit the spread of the virus locally.”

Regional Hospital Administration Opens to Managers and Engineers Instead of Doctors (Al-Massa)

The positions of regional hospital directors at the national level are no longer the exclusive preserve of doctors alone, as was the case in the past. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection recently decided to open the door for its employees, including second-class administrators and engineers, to submit applications for nominations to assume the duties of hospital directors whose positions are vacant. The sources stated that the aforementioned ministry is moving towards gradually removing doctors from assuming administrative responsibility positions such as hospital directors, in order to exploit the relevant medical staff to reduce the shortage and shortage in a group of hospitals that suffer from poor services due to the lack of doctors, in a step aimed at improving and improving health services in national hospitals.

Tourism professionals in Marrakech rule out any impact on the sector after recording the first case of “monkeypox” (Moroccan Sahara)

Tourism professionals in Marrakech ruled out that the registration of the first case of infection with the monkeypox virus (M-pox) in the city would have a direct or indirect impact on tourism activity, which is witnessing a boom at all levels, overcoming the setback experienced by the sector during the “Covid 19” health crisis. The reassurance of tourism professionals is due to their confidence in the measures and procedures taken by the relevant authorities to limit the spread of the “monkeypox” virus (M-pox), which has mobilized all logistical and medical capabilities, and raised levels of vigilance with the emergence of new strains that are transmitted through different routes.

Leila Benali: The decrees to accelerate the energy transition approved by the government council aim to implement the national energy strategy and the recommendations of the new development model (Moroccan Sahara)

After the Government Council recently approved three draft decrees aimed at accelerating the energy transition, Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, explained in a detailed statement that these decrees aim to strengthen the national legal and regulatory framework for a sustainable energy transition, in implementation of the high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. Benali stressed in a statement, a copy of which was obtained by “Sahara Al Maghribia”, that these decrees also aim to implement the national energy strategy and the recommendations of the new development model, and contribute to diversifying energy supply sources, by increasing the percentage of renewable energies and generalizing access to energy at competitive prices, in addition to preserving the environment, responding to the growing demand for electricity, and reducing energy dependence on foreign countries.

Human Rights Council.. NGOs call for action to ensure basic rights of persons detained in Tindouf (Le Matin)

On Thursday, in Geneva, non-governmental organizations called on the international community to pressure Algeria to guarantee the basic rights of the population held in the Tindouf camps. This call came during the general discussion of the annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the state of human rights in the world, on the occasion of the 57th regular session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva under the presidency of Morocco. During the interactive discussion open to civil society, the NGOs warned of the “worrying” humanitarian conditions in the Tindouf camps, where the detained population suffers from “serious violations” of their most basic rights, as well as from the “systematic” diversion of aid by Polisario leaders “with the complicity of the Algerian army, which besieges the camps to prevent any rescue operation.”

Reforming public institutions and enterprises.. Launching an ambitious project to promote good governance practices (Liberation)

The National Agency for the Strategic Management of State Contributions and Monitoring the Performance of Public Institutions and Enterprises launched, on Thursday, an ambitious project aimed at strengthening good governance practices at the level of public institutions and enterprises. A statement from the agency explained that this project was launched during an event attended by 150 officials from public institutions and enterprises that fall within the scope of the agency’s intervention, and constituted the starting point for a profound transformation within the framework of the sector’s reform, launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

#Top #Interests #Moroccan #Newspapers #Saturday #September
2024-09-16 11:46:30

-‌ What⁣ are ⁣the key ⁢updates on Morocco’s strike law discussed in the national newspapers on September 14, 2024?

Agadir24: A Roundup of Top Headlines⁢ in Moroccan National Newspapers -‌ September 14, 2024

In this article, we​ bring you the⁤ most prominent headlines from Moroccan national newspapers issued today, Saturday, September ⁣14, 2024.⁣ From updates on the strike law to⁣ entrepreneurship rankings, and from social⁢ support for widows to gas reserve discoveries, we’ve got you covered.

Government Promises Positive Interaction with Unions’ Demands on Strike Law

According to Al-Akhbar,‌ the government ‍of Aziz Akhannouch has launched its⁣ social entry ⁤with​ a series of social dialogue⁤ sessions regarding⁤ the law regulating the strike. Minister of Economic Integration,⁢ Small Business, and Employment, Younes Sekkouri, met with representatives of trade union centers to discuss the ​draft law, ⁤which has been ​in place since 2016. Trade union sources confirmed that Sekkouri showed a positive interaction with ⁣the demands of the ‌trade union centers and ‍the Moroccan Enterprises​ Federation, aiming to ensure the compatibility ‍of‌ the draft law with the ⁤constitution and international legislation.

Over 431,000 Widows Benefit from Direct ‌Social ⁤Support

Mustapha Baitas, Minister Delegate ⁣in charge ⁤of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman, announced that more than 431,000 widows‍ have benefited from⁣ direct ⁣social support,⁢ supporting ​158,000 children in ⁣urban and ⁢rural areas.‍ The implementation ​of this royal program ⁣has enabled widows to benefit from direct social support, with a minimum of 500 dirhams, which will gradually increase annually‌ to reach 400 dirhams⁣ as compensation for each child by 2026.

Morocco Celebrates 20th Anniversary of‌ Equity and Reconciliation Commission

The‌ Palais des Nations in Geneva ​will host a high-level discussion session on September⁤ 26 to​ commemorate the 20th anniversary ⁤of⁢ the establishment‌ of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission. The event, organized by the National Human Rights Council, will focus on the theme‍ “The interrelationship between justice, reform, and memory in ​the context of transitional justice.” This ⁢session⁣ will shed light on one of‌ the most prominent reforms in ⁤the transitional justice process launched⁤ under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed‌ VI.

Democratic Federation of Labor Rejects Government’s‌ Attempt to Pass Strike Law

The Democratic Federation of‍ Labor expressed its rejection of the government’s attempt to pass the law regulating ⁣strikes, claiming that it contradicts the freedom ⁤of⁢ association guaranteed by the constitution and international agreements. The⁢ federation called​ for‌ the withdrawal of all restrictive‌ articles included in ‌the⁢ draft law and⁤ stressed the need for a trade union law to reform the‍ trade union scene and strengthen the supervisory roles ⁢of professional organizations.

Morocco Advances to 61st Place Globally in Entrepreneurship Index

According to Al-Ummah Message, Morocco ranked first in⁣ the North Africa ‍region, seventh in the Arab world, and 61st globally in the “Entrepreneurship Index 2023.” The index, issued by ⁢the American media network “US News​ and ⁢World Report,” is based on a‍ survey of over 17,000 people worldwide.

British Chariot Announces Discovery of⁢ Significant Gas‌ Reserve⁣ in Lixus Offshore⁤ Field

The British company Chariot, which holds licenses to explore‍ for natural ⁣gas in Morocco, announced the discovery of⁣ a significant gas reserve in the Lixus offshore⁢ field. The company ⁤confirmed a new update on the Anchoua 3 well, which is currently being‌ drilled in ⁣the Anchoua gas project under the Lixus Offshore license, off the coast of Larache province.

Stay tuned to Agadir24 for the latest news ‍and updates from Morocco!



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