Unveiling New Horizons: Degussa Goldhandel GmbH Celebrates Young Artists at the 2024 Art Award

2024-09-12 18:00:48

Frankfurt (OTS) –

The company Degussa Goldhandel, together with Monopol – Magazine for Art and Life, is announcing a new international art prize. The Young Generation Art Award is aimed at emerging artists at the beginning of their careers. It is intended to accompany promising artists on their way into the art world and to support talent. A jury of experts will select the winner from a shortlist of five international artists. The prize money is 10,000 euros. In addition, the winner will receive a traveling exhibition for one year, which will be shown at several locations worldwide. The art prize and the shortlist were presented to the public for the first time at Berlin Art Week 2024.

The following artists were selected for the shortlist:

  • HanGyol Kim
  • Lara Koch
  • Thuy Tien Nguyen
  • Boris Saccone
  • Allistair Walter

“Art creates new perspectives and connects people all over the world. This is one of the reasons why art and culture sponsorship is part of Degussa’s new direction. The decision to pursue an artistic career is not always easy and is usually associated with great uncertainty. The people who dare to take this step anyway are driven by a passion for art. We are happy and proud to accompany artists on this path and to support them,” says Christian Rauch, CEO of Degussa Goldhandel.

“From my daily encounters with young art, I know how many talented young artists emerge from the renowned art schools and what a high standard their work often already has. But taking the first steps into the art world is anything but easy. I am delighted that, together with Degussa Goldhandel, we can help young artists to bring their work to the public. And I am looking forward to the many exciting encounters and the interesting art that awaits us in the selection process,” says Monopol editor-in-chief Elke Buhr.

The works of all shortlisted artists will be shown at the Degussa branch in Berlin Gendarmenmarkt from November 15th. The exhibition will be on display there until February 14th, 2025.

The award ceremony will take place at the finissage of the exhibition on Friday, February 14, 2025.

Jury members are:

Elke Buhr, editor-in-chief of Monopol magazine, Yilmaz Dziewior, director of

Museum Ludwig, Maya Heckelmann, art and culture sponsorship Degussa.

For more information visit: Young Generation Art Award (degussa-goldhandel.de)


#Young #Generation #Art #Award #Degussa #Goldhandel #GmbH #12.09.2024

Future Generation Art ‍Prize 2024

Young Generation ​Art Award: A New International Art Prize for Emerging Artists

In a significant development in the art world, Degussa Goldhandel, a leading company, and Monopol‍ – Magazine for Art and Life, have announced a new international art prize, the Young Generation⁣ Art⁤ Award. This prestigious award is designed to support and promote emerging artists at the beginning of their⁢ careers, providing them with a platform‌ to showcase their talents and take their first steps into the art world​ [[1]].

Aims ⁤and Objectives

The Young Generation Art Award aims to ​accompany promising artists on their journey into‌ the art world‌ and support ​talent. A jury⁢ of experts will select‍ the winner from ⁣a‍ shortlist of five international artists. The prize⁤ money is a significant 10,000 euros,⁢ and the winner ‍will also receive a traveling exhibition⁤ for one year, which will be shown at ​several locations worldwide.

Shortlisted Artists

The shortlist for the first edition‌ of the Young Generation Art Award ⁤includes five talented artists:

HanGyol Kim

Lara Koch

Thuy Tien ⁢Nguyen

Boris Saccone

* Allistair Walter

Exhibition and ⁢Award Ceremony

The works of all shortlisted artists will be⁤ showcased at the Degussa⁤ branch in Berlin‌ Gendarmenmarkt from November 15th, ‌with⁢ the exhibition running until February 14th, 2025. The award ceremony will⁢ take place at a later⁤ date, marking a ⁤significant moment in the ​art calendar.

Importance⁤ of Art and Culture

Christian Rauch, CEO of Degussa Goldhandel, emphasized the importance of art and culture in ‍today’s world,​ stating that “art creates new perspectives and connects ⁢people​ all over the world.” He also highlighted the challenges faced by ‌emerging artists, saying that “the decision to pursue an artistic career is not ‌always easy and is usually associated with⁣ great uncertainty.” [[1]]

Elke Buhr, editor-in-chief of Monopol, echoed these ‌sentiments, saying ⁢that “taking the first steps into the art ⁢world is anything but easy.” She expressed‍ her excitement about the opportunities that the Young Generation ⁢Art Award will provide to young artists,‌ allowing them ⁣to bring their work to ​the public and gain recognition.

Other⁤ Art Awards and Initiatives

In addition to⁢ the Young Generation ⁤Art Award, there are other initiatives and awards that support emerging artists and promote ⁢art and ‍culture. For example, the Dior ⁣Photography and Visual Arts Award for Young Talents provides⁤ a platform for emerging photographers and artists to showcase their work [[3]]. Similarly, the “SWR3 New Pop Festival” brings together fans and artists to celebrate music and art [[2]].


The Young Generation Art Award is a welcome initiative that will provide support and recognition to emerging artists. ‍By promoting ⁣art and culture, Degussa Goldhandel and Monopol ‌are contributing to a vibrant and diverse cultural landscape. As the art world looks forward to the exhibition‍ and award ceremony, it is clear that the ⁢Young Generation⁢ Art Award will ‌be a significant event in the art calendar.

Future Generation Art Prize 2024

Young Generation Art Award: A New International Art Prize for Emerging Artists

In a significant development in the art world, Degussa Goldhandel, a leading company, and Monopol – Magazine for Art and Life, have announced a new international art prize, the Young Generation Art Award. This prestigious award is designed to support and promote emerging artists at the beginning of their careers, providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and take their first steps into the art world [[1]].




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