Unusual Sand Cliffs Formed on Blankenberge and Bredene Beaches Due to High Tide: Flemish Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services to Monitor and Evaluate

2023-08-03 17:02:26

Sand cliffs formed on the beaches of Blankenberge and Bredene on Wednesday evening, due to a high tide. The Flemish Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services (MDK) will monitor the weather situation over the next few days and will determine on Monday whether action is warranted. The cliffs might indeed still grow in size by then, which is exceptional in summer.

During this high tide, the water level was 40 to 50 centimeters higher than usual and waves two meters high were observed, due to a strong north-westerly wind. This phenomenon led to the formation of cliffs half a meter high.

For the moment, the MDK does not intervene. “Gusts of 7 to 8 Beaufort are once more forecast for the coming days. So taking action now to flatten the cliffs doesn’t make much sense“says agency spokesman Peter Van Camp.”The situation is not too dangerous at the moment. On Monday, we will reassess it, in order to determine the necessary actions to be put in place.

#Weather #high #tide #high #winds #create #sand #cliffs #coast



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