Unusual: Macri was invited to Harvard but presented as “president of Venezuela”

2023-10-03 23:15:06

Since his government ended, Mauricio Macri It positioned itself as a consulting source abroad regarding the problems that afflict Argentina. He was even summoned this Tuesday as a speaker at the prestigious Harvard Universityto speak on populism, national management and comment on the 2023 elections.

However, his time at the House of Higher Studies caused surprise because an unusual furcioalthough this time it was not the former president who committed it.

At the time of being presented, the moderator of the meeting launched: “Mauricio Macri, president of Venezuela between 2015 and 2019”.

He immediately caused laughter among those present, who made him realize his mistake. In a matter of seconds the young woman managed to correct her mistake and affirm: “Argentina Argentina”.

Macri at Harvard: what was the former president’s reaction when he was presented as “president of Venezuela”

As he begins his dissertation in Policy Institute from the American university, the former president took advantage of the mention of Venezuela to ironically greet “Nicolas Maduro and his horrible dictatorship.

From there, he referred to his government, saying that “he had to go through a strong the status quoforces that are always behind stopping the changes”, but that “that is going to end next December 10«.

«Maybe we are the country where populism has been created and we successfully exported it to the whole world.“, he considered and added that “Argentina needs a profound change to reestablish the rules and the laws to get rid of the maps that have trapped the country for decades.

Asked regarding the 40 years since the end of the dictatorship in our country, Mauricio Macri responded: “We have a solid democracy because we survived several attacks by the Kirchnerist governments for the last 20 years.

At the same time, he added that “Argentina needs to work hard to face the seductive speech that the State solves everything, that it is not necessary to work and that meritocracy is something of the powerful. “It is a speech that destroys.”

Later, he understood that the sectors he calls populism «they solve problems very quickly in exchange for freedom and the future. They begin to spend all the savings of society: the Central Bank, the gas reserves and the social pensions. When they don’t have any more money they start print moneyand everyone knows that this starts an inflationary process that impoverishes all citizens.

At the same time, he pointed once morest another sector of politics. «One of the challenges we have in a fragmented system with technological devices is that, thanks to the social networks, you can create candidates without needing political structure not much money. The worst example is what happens with Pedro Castillo in Peru“, said.

He was then questioned regarding his coincidences with Javier Milei: «I only met Javier Milei once. He voted for me in the Boca elections, in the Buenos Aires city elections and in the national elections. But I don’t have a close relationship.

Regarding the 2023 elections, he analyzed: «I really think that experience and coordination is something that, led by Patricia Bullrich, will definitely change the future of Argentines. The other proposals perhaps have something similar in some parts and coincidences in ideas that I was fighting for for many years, but other ideas are not reasonable. But mainly the problem is having the skills and experience to put together a national team. That experience is what Patricia Bullrich is offering.

#Unusual #Macri #invited #Harvard #presented #president #Venezuela



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