Unusual – In Israel, a farm cultivates the first “kosher-certified” medical cannabis

Experimentation. In Israel, not far from Tel Aviv, a woman is growing “kosher-certified (halal) medical cannabis, a world first.

The plantation offering “kosher cannabis” is in the town of Givat Hen, in central Israel, and covers nearly one and a half hectares, i24news.tv reported Thursday.

The woman was previously content to sell cannabis flowers, her activity has evolved and she now cultivates hundreds of plants for the religious population of Israel.

+Blessing of the Rabbis+

Knowing that cannabis that is smoked does not need to meet dietary kashrut standards, it is different when consumed in oil form or steeped in alcohol. , underlines the same source.

Concretely, kosher cannabis is ensured by respecting the closure of the plantation during the Shabbat and by respecting the rules of the “shemita”, with a fallowing every seven years.

However, the rabbinical authorities have instituted a blessing to be recited before the consumption of cannabis oil.

While the proportion of religious users of medical cannabis is not known, Israel is the country in the world with the highest rate of use per capita, according to data from the Israeli ministry, nearly 115,000 people are eligible for medical cannabis. .

It should be noted that the use of drugs is prohibited by Jewish law but the use of medical cannabis is, on the other hand, authorized.


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