Until this Friday, August 16, you can register to prepare as future prison officers

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The deadline for receiving applications from people who wish to study to become prison officers has been extended until Friday, August 16, at 2:30 p.m., the Ministry of Justice announced.

The technical course is offered at the Higher Technical Institute of Penitentiary Education and Training (ITSEFP), which is part of the Vice Ministry of Criminal Policy of the Ministry of Justice.

The extension is being carried out in order to facilitate the delivery of the documentation required for registration. The call corresponds to the second cohort of the “Higher Technical Degree in Penitentiary Care”.

The requirements that are considered relevant for applying to the course are these:

– Minimum height for women is 1.60 meters.

– Minimum height for men is 1.70 meters.

– Body weight proportional to height (according to the nutritional table).

– Age between 20 to 30 years.

– Mandatory military service (Not exclusive).

– Secondary education (Baccalaureate) completed.

– Knowledge of Self-Defense (Not exclusive).

– Weapons Handling (Not exclusive).

– Knowledge of fire extinguishing (Not mandatory).

– Physical health compatible with the requirements – Medical studies.

– No criminal record.

– That he/she does not have a blood relationship with persons deprived of liberty (PPLs).

– Not having tattoos on your body.

– Preferably live in the Cordillera department and surrounding areas (Not exclusive).

The required documentation is:

– Application note – Form A.

– Curriculum Vitae – Form B.

– Affidavit of not being subject to any of the disqualifications provided for in Law 1626/2000 “On the Civil Service” – Form C.

– Affidavit stating that you are not or will not be involved in a family relationship in the Civil Service – Form D.

– Affidavit stating that you are not related to persons deprived of liberty – Form E.

– Photocopy of the valid identity card authenticated by a notary.

– Certificate of Secondary Education.

– Police Record – original and current.

– Judicial Record – original and current.

– Medical certificate supporting the following tests: Complete blood count, blood sugar, liver test, simple urine, electrocardiogram, current pregnancy test (women only), ophthalmological evaluation. Chest X-ray. Complete the medical certificate listed on the Ministry of Justice website. Validity: three (03) months from its completion.

– Certificate of life and residence – original and valid.

It is also recalled that to access the forms from the Ministry of Justice website, the documentation is available in the field ITS PENITENTIARIO/ ADMISSION OF APPLICANTS. https://ministeriodejusticia.gov.py/proceso-de-admision-de-aspirantes-a-la-segunda-cohorte/

The documents must be presented in a filing folder, duly numbered and signed, inside a duly closed envelope, at the Higher Technical Institute of Penitentiary Education and Training, Avda. Mariscal López casi Choferes del Chaco, between the hours of 07:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m.

For any additional questions, you can contact us by phone at 0982 794 821 (whatsapp message only) or by email at itspenitenciario@gmail.com or itspenitenciario@ministeriodejusticia.gov.py.

The Ministry of Justice encourages those who have not yet done so to take advantage of this extension to complete their registration process.

#Friday #August #register #prepare #future #prison #officers
2024-08-17 23:02:05



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