Unthinkable! Julieta Cardinali climbed a tree to kiss a celebrity in Villa Gesell

Julieta Cardinali in The Perfect Night

In a recent program on La Noche Perfecta (El Trece), Julieta Cardinali was a guest and among the countless topics discussed in the interview, the actress shared an unexpected anecdote that left many surprised.

Sebastián Wainraich, the host of the show, was the one who induced her to tell the story by asking the actress if it was true that she had once made an unexpected decision to kiss a famous person.

“Is it true, Julieta Cardinali, that you once climbed a tree in Villa Gesell to kiss a celebrity?” Wainraich asked her, to which Cardinali had no choice but to confirm the story. The actress said that she traveled with her friend Carito that summer and that she was now behind the camera accompanying her in the interview. In addition, she was responsible for revealing this anecdote to the public and confirming that it did happen.

Cardinali stressed that she was between 20 and 25 years old when the incident happened. She also added that they were at the house of Mex Urtizberea, a close friend of that group of friends. “I would love to say that it is not true, but yes,” admitted the actress, without revealing the identity of the famous person who accompanied her to the tree.

Julieta Cadinali and her fun adventures in Villa Gesell

Wainraich, in his characteristic manner, tried to probe for more details. He asked Cardinali if she was aware that the celebrity was in the tree and if there was a special reason for such an unusual location. Cardinali said, “No, he was in the group of people we were with that summer.” However, she flatly refused to reveal the identity of the companion, stating that she would take that information to the grave.

The dialogue continued with a humorous note, Wainraich joked about the comfort of climbing a tree for a kiss, to which Cardinali responded by highlighting the mischief of the moment and the romanticism behind such an unusual act: “Well, what do I know. The idea was to do something different.” In addition, the actress also admitted that the most humiliating part was getting down from the tree, and that the famous man kept shouting at her: “Be careful,” she said, laughing.

In that sense, at another point in the program, the host touched on the subject of how ideas about love are sometimes more beautiful in the imagination than in reality. Cardinali, a romantic by nature, did not hesitate to agree. “Yes. I am very imaginative in that sense. I like it a lot. Like theories about love or stories about love. I do many things for the anecdote as well,” revealed the actress.

Referring to his past adventures, Wainraich asked him if he had done other similar crazy things, such as jumping into a river. Cardinali denied having done anything so extreme, although he admitted to having done many crazy things throughout his life. “No, not that. But well, I have screwed up a lot too,” he said, revealing a host of anecdotes that he surely still has in his repertoire.

The interview ended with a reflection on the importance of stories in the life of a public figure. Julieta concluded by saying that she enjoys anecdotes and that she often does things simply to have something interesting to tell. “I’m totally Gaucha, otherwise I’d run out of anecdotes,” the actress joked, ending by provoking laughter from everyone present.



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