Unter demands guarantees at Work and announced that he will not be able to pay wages if they are fined

Leaders and affiliates of Unter returned to claim at the Ministry of Labor of the province following receiving notification of the initiation of a file that It might result in heavy fines for the entity and that “it would prevent us from paying the salaries of 150 families,” said Gustavo Cifuentes, Deputy Secretary of the union.

The presence of the group of regarding 20 teachers disturbed the calm in the building since there were some initial struggles until they were able to enter the place where Natalia Díaz, Assistant Secretary of the Viedma section, maintained that “This place should be impartial but it shows us, once once more, the partiality with which the minister (Jorge) Stopiello is handled, who is absent as if there were no conflicts in the province.”

Cifuentes added that “they received us with the door closed, struggling once more” and maintained that “It seems that every time we have to make a claim we have restricted access to this place that is publicly accessible.especially in this context where we need to come to make our claims ».

He added that “we are going to present an appeal to demand guarantees before this notification that we received of these two fines, which the governor and other officials have announced, including the figures” because “For us it is very serious because we were not notified yet and they advance the figures, being a judge and part of a situation where they do not allow us a defense.”

Cifuentes remarked that “it is a threat that we do not allow and we demand that the Minister of Labor put on his pants and, Just as it intimidated us and can sanction us, it should also intimidate and sanction the provincial government that, in the context of the conflict, has taken measures of persecution and others that are anti-unionlike a button that forces you to take attendance” in addition that “some colleagues received the increase and others did not.”

“We demand the Minister of Labor, who is campaigning, to listen to us and not give guarantees because this process, which we started last year, needs an urgent solution,” said the leader and added that “if the measures are applied We want to ask the governor what she is going to do with the 150 families that Unter has and according to this sanction, it would make it impossible for us, like Unter, to pay the wages of our workers.”

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