Unswervingly Marching Forward: Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech in Zhejiang University

2023-10-13 12:12:00

On the afternoon of October 13, Yi Lianhong, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, came to Zhejiang University, which he contacted, to preach the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang.Photo by reporter Hu Yuanyong

  Yi Lianhong went to Zhejiang University to preach the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang

Study deeply, practice diligently, be grateful, forge ahead bravely and stand at the forefront of the trend

Unswervingly march forward along the path guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping

  Zhejiang Online News on October 13 (Reporter Weng Haohao)On the afternoon of the 13th, Yi Lianhong, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, came to Zhejiang University, where he was contacted, to preach the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang. Together with the teachers and students of Zhejiang Province, he relived the touching scenes of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Zhejiang, and understood General Secretary Xi Jinping’s suggestions. It is an important requirement to further promote the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech to be in-depth and practical and achieve practical results.

Yi Lianhong deeply understood and resolutely understood the milestone significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s deep love for Zhejiang, and the wonderful changes brought about by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “Double Eighth Strategy” tailored for Zhejiang. In order to implement the important requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Zhejiang, we had in-depth exchanges with teachers and students at the school. He said that in the first year of comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the year of launching thematic education, the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the “Double Eighth Strategy” and the year of the Hangzhou Asian Games, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s personal visit to Zhejiang is a sign of our solid development. Face-to-face guidance and step-by-step guidance on theme education, taking the road of high-quality development, and striving to promote Chinese-style modernization. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech gave Zhejiang a new position as a “pioneer in Chinese modernization” and a new mission of “writing a new chapter in Chinese modernization in Zhejiang”. It once again guided Zhejiang at a critical node and set a good example for Zhejiang. The journey of forge ahead has made strategic considerations and strategic positioning, guiding us to bravely be the forerunners and write a new chapter on the new journey of forging ahead with Chinese-style modernization, continue to promote the “Eight-Eighth Strategy” to be deeper and more practical, and implement the goals outlined by General Secretary Xi Jinping step by step. The beautiful blueprint has turned into a beautiful reality, and an excellent answer sheet for Chinese-style modernization has been handed over.

Yi Lianhong said that it is necessary to thoroughly study, publicize and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang, study deeply, practice with gratitude, forge ahead with gratitude, be brave in setting the trend, and unswervingly move forward along the path guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is necessary to meet the important requirement of “taking the forefront in shaping new advantages in development through scientific and technological innovation”, answer the major question of “how to open up the fundamental way out”, adhere to the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, build an integrated province with strong education and scientific and technological talents, and accelerate the cultivation of talents. Gathering talents, accelerating the exploration of new fields, opening up new opportunities, seizing new tracks, and activating new momentum; meeting the important requirement of “demonstrating first in promoting common prosperity” and answering the major question of “how to polish the distinctive logo”, Firmly grasp the top priority of high-quality development, focus on narrowing the “three major gaps”, vigorously promote high-quality sharing of public services, and continuously enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness, security and identity; benchmark “in deepening reform and expanding opening up” “Continuing to write a new chapter” is an important requirement, answer the major question of “how to stimulate internal motivation”, vigorously promote innovation, deepen reform, tackle opening up and improve, vigorously implement the three “No. 1 Projects”, and promote the high-quality development of the private economy; benchmark ” We must actively explore the important requirements of “active exploration in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation”, answer the major question of “how to reveal the essence of the heritage”, do a good job in the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture, strive to promote cultural prosperity across the region, and build a high-level culture. Strengthen the province; benchmark the important requirements of “upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership, strengthening and improving Party building”, answer the major question of “how to strengthen the fundamental guarantee”, carry out thematic education in conjunction with solid work, and improve the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party system, establish a correct view of political performance, improve the cadre responsibility as an incentive mechanism, build a close and clean new political and business relationship, and promote party members and cadres to be both “diligent” and “incorruptible”, and both “doers” and “clean”.

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Yi Lianhong said that Zhejiang University has an unshirkable responsibility and great potential to learn, understand and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech. It is hoped that Zhejiang University will strive to be first-class and dare to surpass, build hard-core strength, accelerate the creation of a highland of scientific and technological innovation, integrate into shared wealth scenarios, accelerate the creation of a highland of think tank empowerment, amplify institutional advantages, accelerate the creation of a highland of campus governance, shoulder the cultural mission, and accelerate the creation of a highland of campus governance. We should strengthen political construction and accelerate the establishment of a highland for party building in colleges and universities; we hope that the majority of Zhejiang University students will keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s entrustment and ardent expectations, illuminate youth with clear faith, ignite youth with fiery struggle, and achieve youth with excellence and pragmatism. The style sharpens youth, and on the track of youth, we can achieve the best results of contemporary youth and the most beautiful style of our lives. We should shoulder a unique mission and demonstrate first-class responsibility in studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang.

Before the lecture, Yi Lianhong visited the exhibition of Zhejiang University’s twenty-year educational achievements in implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important instructions.

Wang Cheng, Zhao Cheng, Ren Shaobo and Du Jiangfeng attended the seminar and visited the achievement exhibition.

More than 1,000 people, including principals from Zhejiang University’s government departments and party organizations at the college level, as well as teacher and student representatives, attended the lecture at the main venue and branch venues.

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Editor in charge: Jiang Xiaolai

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