Unsweetened Foods That Increase Blood Glucose: Expert Advice and Recommendations for Healthy Eating

2023-07-21 05:40:16

Some unsweetened foods dramatically increase blood glucose levels, said Armine Afonina, an endocrinologist and nutritionist at the SM-Clinic. This, in turn, has a bad effect on blood vessels, kidneys, vision and heart function.

As the expert noted, the glycemic index is an important concept for human health. This indicator evaluates the rate of glucose absorption. The higher it is in foods, the faster glucose enters the bloodstream and the sharper the jump in its level will be.

– If we talk regarding unsweetened foods that can dramatically increase glucose, then this is wheat bread, any wheat flour baked goods, mashed potatoes, white rice, small pasta, canned beans, corn, instant cereals, semolina, couscous, muffins, corn flakes, popcorn, waffles, chips. Also in this list include boiled beets, carrots, pumpkin and dried fruits, – lead “Izvestia” words of an endocrinologist.

The doctor recommended all the same to adhere to proper nutrition, exercise and monitor weight. Otherwise, due to an unbalanced diet and obesity, you can bring yourself to diabetes.

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