Unshackling Matrimonial Chains: A Historical Examination of Women’s Property Rights

Book of the Legal Mortgage of Married Women on the Conquests of the Community Monograph (en Fra De Bertauld, Alfred – Buscalibre

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portada of the Legal Mortgage of Married Women on the Conquests of the Community Monograph (in French)


of the Legal Mortgage of Married Women on the Conquests of the Community Monograph (in French)

Alfred Bertauld (Author)

· Hachette Livre Bnf · Tapa Blanda

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Reseña del bro “of the Legal Mortgage of Married Women on the Conquests of the Community Monograph (in French)”

On the legal mortgage of married women on the conquests of the community monograph / by A. Bertauld, …Date of original edition: 1852This work is part of a policy of heritage conservation of works of French literature published in place with the BNF.HACHETTE LIVRE and the BNF thus offer a catalog of unavailable titles, the BNF having digitized these works and HACHETTE LIVRE printing them on demand. Some of these works reflect currents of thought characteristic of their time, but which would today be considered reprehensible. They nonetheless belong to the history of ideas in France and are likely to present a scientific or historical interest. The meaning of our editorial approach thus consists of allowing access to these works without provided that we in no way endorse the content. For more information, go to www.hachettebnf.fr

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All the books in our catalog are Original.

The book is written in French.

The binding of this edition is Softcover.

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