UNSC Responds to Israeli Attacks Targeting Humanitarian Aid

Israel has destroyed 117 schools, damaging 332 other educational facilities since October 7 last year.(Aljazeera)

The UN Security Council (UNSC) has criticized Israeli troops for repeatedly shooting at World Food Programme (WFP) vehicles at checkpoints, causing the organization to stop its staff in Gaza. China also expressed shock and deep concern over the extreme remarks that risk drawing global condemnation.

“We were shocked by reports yesterday (Wednesday) that the Israeli military (IDF) fired repeatedly at WFP vehicles,” United States (US) Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Robert Wood said at a UNSC meeting, as reported by Anadolu, Friday (8/30).

He told the council that Israel had informed the US that it was investigating the latest incident, which initial reviews suggested was the result of a communication error between IDF units. Wood said the US had urged Israel to immediately fix the problems in its systems that allowed it to happen.

Wood said Israel must not only acknowledge its mistakes but also take concrete action to ensure the IDF does not fire on UN personnel again, as this increases the risk to humanitarian actors both in Gaza and globally.

Wood also stressed the importance of the upcoming polio vaccination campaign in Gaza and demanded that Israel avoid further evacuation orders during the campaign. “The bottom line is that humanitarian workers on the ground, including UN agencies and other NGOs, must be in safe conditions to distribute vaccines,” he said.

He further highlighted the need for a ceasefire agreement in Gaza and urged all member states to contribute to efforts to achieve it. The UK’s UN envoy, James Kariuki, also expressed the importance of the success of polio vaccination and demanded that all vaccination sites be protected.

Also read: UNSC Condemns Israel’s New Barbarism

He further condemned Israel’s evacuation orders, saying they cause more chaos, leaving Palestinians with no safe place to seek refuge. “Israel should minimize evacuation orders and provide sufficient notice of at least 48 hours,” he said, adding that Israel’s attacks on the UN and aid convoys were “horrific and unacceptable.”

Regarding the shooting incident of the WFP vehicle, Kariuki said Israel must protect aid workers, and hold those involved accountable. All parties must comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law. The British envoy also condemned the escalation of violence in the West Bank and called on the UN chief to de-escalate.

Meanwhile, China’s representative to the UN, Geng Shuang, also demanded an effective vaccination campaign, urging Israel to act responsibly. He strongly condemned Israel’s actions in the West Bank and said that Israel continues to violate international law and Council resolutions.

Responding to the Israeli official’s statement on the expulsion of residents from the West Bank, Geng said China is shocked and deeply concerned about such extreme remarks that risk inviting global condemnation. “Gaza has now turned into a hell on earth. We must not allow the same humanitarian disaster in Gaza to happen in the West Bank, which will turn the West Bank into another hell on earth,” he said.

“China urges Israel to immediately stop all military operations in Gaza, open all border crossings, stop its suppression and restrictions on the UN and other humanitarian organizations, stop its attacks in the West Bank, and stop settler violence and impunity,” he added. (I-2)

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