Unrealistic but stunning landscape photos made with AI


Unrealistic but stunning landscape photos made with AI

Image creation using AI is no longer uncommon. Landscape photographer Aurel Manea also created landscape photos that do not exist anywhere else.

He, who has experience using the AI ​​image generator DALL・E2, said that Dali 2 makes great portraits like photos, but it is not good at creating landscape photos. . On the other hand, Stable Diffusion does not have this problem because the image set width is wide.

If you look at the landscape photography images he made, they all show unrealistic but wonderful landscapes. His work is on Facebook. groupcan be checked through Related content this placecan be seen in

Reporter Lee Seok-won

After passing through the monthly AhaPC and HowPC magazine eras, he has been watching the ‘tech era’ in online IT media such as GDNet, E-Newspaper Internet Manager, Consumer Journal Everse Editor, Tech Holic Publisher, and Venture Square Editor-in-Chief. I am curious about this market that is still changing with vitality.

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