Unraveling the Myth: The Unfair Scapegoating of Bill Gates During the Pandemic

“Pascalis Najadi is the son of Hussain Najadi, who worked with Klaus Schwab until the early 1980s. He called the “vaccines” used in the fight against covid-19 slogans biological weapons for “democide”.

“Democide,” explains the language website Life Site News, is a term coined several decades ago to refer to the mass killing of civilians by governments, either directly or by inaction. says the publication (language not corrected).

This is – not the first timewhen Mr. Najadi speaks against vaccination. Some time ago it was distributed on social networks a videoin which a man simulates a court hearing.

However, Mr. Najadi is not a judge – he is introduces himself former Swiss banker, son of PEF co-founder.

He recently said he was suing the president of Switzerland over misleading advertising for vaccines against COVID-19.

“As a Swiss citizen, I now declare that PEF no longer enjoys diplomatic immunity. I call on the Swiss authorities and security services to immediately arrest these persons,” P. Najadi said in the video.

However, he does not have the authority to arrest anyone.

Scanpix photo/Bill Gates

And the billionaire stumbled again

Speaking about the supposedly secret plan to reduce the number of humanity, Mr. Najadi also mentioned the US billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates, who is constantly the target of many conspiracy theorists.

“The WEF, the WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates have all supported the global campaign to vaccinate the population with what is essentially a biological weapon,” the conspiracy theorist claimed.

Claims attributed to Gates about “depopulation” or reducing the world’s population through vaccinations are not new.

The story goes back to 2010.

B. Gates speaking at the TedTalk conference taught ideas on how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.

According to the philanthropist, one of the most important factors that make carbon emissions dangerous is uncontrolled population growth.

Mr. Gates did not suggest that the world’s population should be killed or sterilized by vaccines, which anti-vaccines accuse him of.

Improving public health through vaccinations could reduce future population growth and carbon emissions, he said.

For example, families in the poor countries of the world are now giving birth to many children because they know that a significant number of them may not even reach adolescence due to poor health care and lack of vaccines.

By providing health care and vaccination and providing free access to contraception, it is likely that not so many children will be born, and that those who do grow up in better conditions.

Reuters/Scanpix/Covid-19 Vaccination Vaccines

Reuters/Scanpix/Covid-19 Vaccination Vaccines

Old history

It is noteworthy that very often the opponents of vaccines talk about “depopulation” and an alleged secret plan to “reduce the human population” through coronavirus vaccines.

This conspiracy theory has accompanied the pandemic since its inception.

It is true that the supposed tool for population reduction was a virus at the time, but the information about 15% was not confirmed. reaching death rates, the narrative has been twisted so that “depopulation” will be carried out with the help of vaccines.

15min photo/Misleading publication headline

15min photo/Misleading publication headline

Also read: Fear of edible vaccines: what are they and why you don’t need to panic yet?

Vaccines are safe

After the development of vaccines against the coronavirus, they are for emergency use (EUA English Emergency Use Authorization) confirmed World Health Organization (WHO), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Despite the fact that vaccines registered in the European Union (EU) and the United States by the main manufacturers – AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna – have already vaccinated millions of people around the world, opponents of vaccinations still resort to the “horse” claiming that these are only medical experiment.

Manipulations about “experimental vaccines” have been spread before by various actors.

Vadinamasis „Emergency use authorization“ (EUA) issued in case of serious threats to public health.

Authorization for emergency use of vaccines issued only after the latter pass three-phase medical tests with volunteers and multiple levels of detailed checks.

After such authorisation, the effects of the vaccines continue to be closely monitored and possible side effects are recorded.

Later, the use of the vaccine still needs to be approved by the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organization (WHO) after considering all the circumstances.

The final approval of the vaccine is obtained if the company applies for it after completing the necessary procedures.

Unsplash photo/Vaccine

Unsplash photo/Vaccine

They were finally approved

In August 2021, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave final approval to Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for use in people 16 years of age and older.

At that time, tens of millions of doses of the vaccine had already been used under the emergency use authorization for human vaccination.

The decision to finally approve the vaccine is based on updated data from clinical trials, including data on a longer period after vaccination, evaluating the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in more than 40,000 subjects. in a group of people.

“The anti-vaccine movement misrepresenting it as an ‘experimental vaccine’ has removed a pressing issue,” Amesh Adalja of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, a non-profit organization at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), told AFP. (CHS).

“Now, hopefully, there will be people saying they’ve been waiting for final approval… [ir dabar] will be vaccinated. Hopefully, more organizations, more companies will require the vaccine as a working condition,” he said.

Read more: The US has finally approved Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine against COVID-19

15min Verdict: Lie. There is no truth in Mr. Najadi’s words. Vaccines against COVID-19 are safe.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

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#remembered #lie #blaming #Bill #Gates #pandemic
2024-09-18 08:57:08

Philanthropists, are conspiring to harm the population ​through vaccine mandates and policies.

The Vaccine Conspiracy‌ Theory: ⁤Debunking Pascalis⁤ Najadi’s Claims

Pascalis Najadi, the son of ‍Hussain Najadi, a former colleague of Klaus Schwab, has recently ⁤made headlines by labeling COVID-19 vaccines as “biological weapons” for “democide.” This term, coined by language website​ Life Site News, refers to the mass killing of civilians by ​governments, either ⁣directly or ⁢by inaction. Najadi’s claims are not new, as he has been​ vocal about his anti-vaccination stance in the ​past. In this article, we’ll ​delve into ‍the ⁣conspiracy theories surrounding ‍vaccines⁤ and debunk ⁢Najadi’s claims.

Democide: A Misguided Fear

Najadi’s ⁢fear of “democide” ‌is rooted in his belief that ⁣governments and‌ organizations, including‍ the World‍ Economic Forum ‌(WEF), the⁤ World Health Organization ⁢(WHO), and ⁢billionaire



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