Unraveling the Mysteries of the Vela Pulsar and its Unprecedented Energy Explosion

2023-10-11 20:02:42

A “dead” star caused the Earth to experience an energy explosion so powerful that scientists cannot fully explain it. Scientists say that they were able to observe intense gamma rays using a large system of telescopes in Namibia, and these rays originate from the pulsar known as the “Vela pulsar.” (Vela Pulsar) regarding 1,000 light-years from Earth. Pulsars are the remains of a huge star that exploded an estimated 10,000 years ago in the form of a supernova, and then collapsed. According to the Daily Mail, British astronomer Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was the first to discover a pulsar in 1967, but this study represents the highest energy rays from a pulsar to date.
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