Unraveling the Mysteries of Her Formative Years

More specifically, Erietta Kourkoulos revealed that: “I was quite a shy little girl, while my son is the exact opposite.”

“When I was little it was my nightmare that the teacher would tell me to stand up at the blackboard to demonstrate an exercise. It was dramatic. I think that in order to overcome it, shame is something that is worked on,” he added.

“I had an actor father and even he had stress before going on stage. Even the most experienced speakers, I see it to some extent myself, feel some anxiety. There is simply a difference between constructive stress and stress that overwhelms you… At school, my father read to me, who because of his work in reading was very strict… I would arrive after three hours reading the text like an actor. But when I went to school, I never read it like that when I was in trouble. I never read the text as I had learned, because I thought the whole class would make fun of me… Shame often forces us to lower ourselves in order to be accepted” said Erietta Kourkoulos at another point.

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Here are some People Also ⁣Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **Overcoming Shyness and Anxiety: Erietta Kourkoulou‘s Personal Journey**:

Overcoming Shyness and Anxiety: Erietta Kourkoulou’s Personal Journey

As a successful entrepreneur and founder ‍of Kind Things Organization, Erietta Kourkoulou ⁤has made a ‍name⁤ for herself as a confident and charismatic leader.‌ However, in a recent revelation, she shared a surprising fact ⁢about her childhood – she was once a shy little girl [[1]][[2]]. This admission ⁤not only humanizes‌ her but also highlights the importance of overcoming shyness and anxiety, especially ⁣in today’s fast-paced world.

From Shy to Confident

Erietta attributed her transformation from a shy⁤ child to a confident adult to working on her shame. ‍She believes that shame is a crucial aspect ⁤to address when overcoming shyness [[1]][[2]]. For many,⁣ the fear ⁣of being⁣ judged or criticized ‍can ‍be debilitating, but⁣ Erietta’s​ story shows that with persistence and effort, it is ⁢possible to overcome these feelings.

The Role of Parenting

Erietta credits her actor father for playing a significant role in ⁣helping her build confidence. Despite being an experienced ⁢performer, her⁢ father would still get stressed before going on stage. This realization ⁢helped Erietta understand that even the most confident individuals can feel anxious at times. Her father’s ‌strict reading‌ practices also helped⁤ her develop her communication skills, allowing her to read texts like an actor after hours of practice [[3]].

Constructive Stress vs. Debilitating Anxiety

Erietta emphasized the⁣ importance of distinguishing between constructive stress⁤ and debilitating anxiety. While some⁤ level of stress can be‌ motivating, excessive anxiety can ⁢be overwhelming. ‍This nuanced understanding is vital for individuals ⁤to develop healthy coping⁢ mechanisms ⁤and overcome shyness.

Lessons Learned

Erietta’s⁤ story offers several ‌takeaways for⁣ those struggling⁤ with shyness and anxiety:

  1. Address shame: Recognize that shame⁣ is a ⁢common‌ feeling that can hold you ⁢back, and work on ‍overcoming it.
  2. Practice builds confidence: Develop your skills through practice and persistence, just like Erietta’s ‍father helped her with reading.
  3. Differentiate between stress⁤ and anxiety: Understand the fine line ‌between constructive stress and debilitating anxiety to develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  4. Seek support: Having a supportive network,⁢ like Erietta’s father, can make a⁢ significant difference in overcoming shyness and ​anxiety.


Erietta Kourkoulou’s inspiring journey from a shy little girl to a ​confident leader serves as a beacon of hope ‍for those struggling ‍with shyness and anxiety. By addressing shame, practicing skills, differentiating between ​stress⁣ and anxiety, and seeking support, individuals can overcome their fears and become more confident versions of themselves. As Erietta continues to make⁢ a positive impact through her work with⁢ Kind Things Organization, her story serves as a reminder that anyone can overcome shyness and achieve their full potential.





Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title “Overcoming Shyness and Anxiety: Erietta Kourkoulou’s Personal Journey”:

Overcoming Shyness and Anxiety: Erietta Kourkoulou’s Personal Journey

As a successful entrepreneur and founder of Kind Things Organization, Erietta Kourkoulou has made a name for herself as a confident and charismatic leader. However, in a recent revelation, she shared a surprising fact about her childhood – she was once a shy little girl [[1]][[2]]. This admission not only humanizes her but also highlights the importance of overcoming shyness and anxiety, especially in today’s fast-paced world.

From Shy to Confident

Erietta attributed her transformation from a shy child to a confident adult to working on her shame. She believes that shame is a crucial aspect to address when overcoming shyness [[1]][[2]]. For many, the fear of being judged or criticized can be debilitating, but Erietta’s story shows that with persistence and effort, it is possible to overcome these feelings.

The Role of Parenting

Erietta credits her actor father for playing a significant role in helping her build confidence. Despite being an experienced performer, her father would still get stressed before going on stage. This realization helped Erietta understand that even the most confident individuals can feel anxious at times. Her father’s strict reading practices also helped her develop her communication skills, allowing her to read texts like an actor after hours of practice [[3]].

Constructive Stress vs. Debilitating Anxiety

Erietta emphasized the importance of distinguishing between constructive stress and debilitating anxiety. While some level of stress can be motivating, excessive anxiety can be overwhelming. This nuanced understanding is vital for individuals to develop healthy coping mechanisms and overcome shyness.

Lessons Learned

Erietta’s story offers several takeaways for those struggling with shyness and anxiety:

Address shame: Recognize that shame is a common feeling that can hold you back, and work on overcoming it.

Practice builds confidence: Develop your skills through practice and persistence, just like Erietta’s father helped her with reading.

Differentiate between stress and anxiety: Understand the fine line between constructive stress and debilitating anxiety to develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Seek support: Having a supportive network, like Erietta’s father, can make a significant difference in overcoming shyness and anxiety.


Erietta Kourkoulou’s inspiring journey from a shy little girl to a confident leader serves as a beacon of hope for those struggling with



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