Unraveling the Final Surge of the African Anticyclone: A Weather Update with Giuliacci

Can we go to the beach this weekend? This is the question posed to Colonel Mario Giuliacci in a video published on YouTube channel MeteoGiuliacci. The expert meteorologist then outlines the weather forecast for the first weekend of September: “A disturbance is arriving on Friday 6 September that will bring showers and thunderstorms across the entire center-north and a drop in temperatures in the center-north, with the thermometer going below 30 degrees. Nothing in the south, but there we will have a slight drop in temperatures. Even if temperatures remain between 30-32 degrees, with peaks of 34 degrees. On Saturday 7 September the summer heat seems to return with the arrival of the African anticyclone, the weather improves everywhere, temperatures rise, around 30 degrees in the north, 30-33 degrees in the south and on the major islands, with peaks of 34 degrees. Isolated afternoon thunderstorms in the Alps, Sicily and Calabria. But then on Sunday 8 September – Giuliacci reports again – another disturbance is arriving, with showers and thunderstorms spread across the entire center-north. Temperatures around 26-28 degrees in the center-north, around 30-32 degrees in the south. Peaks of 34 degrees on the major islands”.

Sottocorona: Lots of thunderstorms. Here's when it ends, weekend saved?

#Weather #Giuliacci #push #African #anticyclone #watch #disturbances #Tempo
2024-09-06 14:08:12
Can We⁢ Go to the Beach This Weekend? Expert‍ Meteorologist Shares Weather Forecast

Are you planning a ⁢beach trip this weekend, but wondering if the weather will⁣ cooperate? Colonel Mario‌ Giuliacci, an expert meteorologist, has got you covered. In ​a recent video on his YouTube channel, MeteoGiuliacci, ‍he shared the weather forecast⁢ for ‌the first weekend of September.

Weather Forecast​ for the First Weekend of September

According to Giuliacci, a disturbance‍ is expected to arrive on Friday, September 6, bringing showers and thunderstorms to the entire center-north region. This will lead to⁢ a⁤ drop in ‌temperatures, with the thermometer expected to ​dip below 30 ​degrees. The south, however, will experience a slight drop in ‍temperatures, with⁢ temperatures ‍ranging from 30-32 degrees and peaks of 34 degrees.

On Saturday, September 7, the ​summer heat seems to return⁢ with ⁤the arrival of the African anticyclone. The weather is expected to improve everywhere, with temperatures rising to around ‌30 degrees⁢ in the north, ‍30-33 degrees in the south, ⁤and ⁤on the major ⁤islands. Isolated afternoon thunderstorms are expected ‍in the Alps, Sicily, and Calabria.

But, Giuliacci warns, another disturbance is expected to arrive ⁣on Sunday, September 8, bringing showers and thunderstorms to the entire center-north region. Temperatures are expected to range from 26-28 degrees in the center-north and around 30-32 degrees in the south, with peaks of​ 34 degrees on the major islands.

What Does This Mean for Your Beach Plans?

If you’re planning a beach trip this ⁣weekend, it’s essential to check the weather forecast for‌ your specific region. While the weather is expected ‍to improve⁤ on Saturday, it’s crucial to be prepared‌ for potential⁤ thunderstorms and showers on ‍Friday‍ and Sunday.

Staying Informed About the Weather

It’s always a good idea⁣ to stay informed about the weather, ⁢especially when planning outdoor ⁢activities​ like beach‍ trips. You⁤ can ⁣check⁣ the weather forecast regularly on reliable websites or YouTube channels like⁢ MeteoGiuliacci.

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