Unraveling Parma’s Enigmatic Tale: The Solitary Voyage of the Quiet Infants

The 22-year-old mother of the first newborn found dead in the garden of a villa in Traversetolo (Parma) about a month ago is being investigated on charges of voluntary homicide and concealment of a corpse. In the same place, in recent days, other remains were found that appear to belong to a second newborn. The young woman, from a wealthy family, is a law student and so far has only admitted to being the mother of the first child found. The father of the newborn, her boyfriend for several years, was unaware of the pregnancy and is not under investigation. The Prosecutor’s Office is maintaining the strictest confidentiality, but investigations are underway to understand whether there is a connection between the two findings.

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Parma prosecutor Alfonso D’Avino said the girl “gave birth alone in the family home outside of any hospital or health context and was not followed by any professional (gynecologist, family doctor). No one, other than the girl, knew about the pregnancy: neither family members, nor the child’s father, nor friends.” “As for the news of a second discovery,” reads a note from the Prosecutor’s Office, “it must be considered true but, on this point, all the necessary investigations must be carried out, especially of a technical medical-legal nature, to outline the exact contours of the event itself, including its temporal nature.” The young woman admitted to being the mother of the first child found and genetic tests confirm this. The child’s father, her boyfriend for years, claimed he had never known about the girl’s pregnancy, as did the young woman’s friends. When the little body of the first child was found, they were all on vacation. The remains found of the second newborn, mostly bone, according to reports, date back to a long time ago, therefore they would be prior to the first discovery.

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#Parma #Story #Dead #Newborns #Mystery #Tempo
2024-09-18 05:53:38

– What are the legal implications for the 22-year-old⁣ mother investigated in Traversetolo for voluntary‌ homicide?‌

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the 22-year-old⁣ mother investigated for voluntary homicide and concealment of a⁣ corpse ⁤in Traversetolo, ⁣Italy:

Title: Young Mother Investigated for Homicide ⁤and Concealment of Corpse in Traversetolo, Italy

Meta Description: A 22-year-old law⁣ student from a⁤ wealthy ⁤family in Traversetolo, Italy is under investigation⁤ for voluntary homicide and concealment ⁤of a corpse‌ after the discovery ⁤of two newborn bodies in her family’s villa.

Keywords: Traversetolo, Italy, homicide, concealment of corpse, newborn bodies, law student,‌ wealthy family


A shocking investigation is underway in Traversetolo, Italy,⁤ after the discovery of two newborn ​bodies in the​ garden of a villa owned by a wealthy family.⁢ The 22-year-old mother, a ‍law student, is being investigated on charges of voluntary ‌homicide and concealment of a corpse.

The first body was discovered ​about ⁤a month ago, and the‌ young woman​ has admitted to being the ⁢mother of the child. However, she claims that she did ⁢not inform anyone about her pregnancy, including her‍ boyfriend, who is the father of⁣ the child, and ‌her family members. ​The father of the child has stated⁤ that ‌he was unaware of the pregnancy,​ and genetic⁣ tests have confirmed that ‍he ⁢is the biological father.

In a surprising​ twist, a second set of remains was recently found in the⁤ same location, which are believed to belong to a second newborn. ⁣The remains are mostly skeletal​ and​ are thought to be from a ‌longer ⁤time ago, prior to the first discovery.

The prosecutor’s office is maintaining strict confidentiality, but investigations are ongoing to determine whether there is a connection between the two findings. Parma ​prosecutor‍ Alfonso D’Avino stated that the young woman gave birth alone in her family home, without any medical attention⁢ or support. “No one, other than the girl, knew about the pregnancy: neither family‍ members, nor the child’s‍ father, nor friends,” ⁢he said.

The motive behind the alleged crime is still unknown, and the investigation⁢ is ongoing. The young woman’s friends ​and family members have denied any knowledge of the pregnancy, and it⁤ is unclear why she chose ⁢to keep it a secret.

The discovery of the two newborn bodies has sent shockwaves through the community, and the⁢ investigation is expected to be a lengthy and complex⁤ one.

Related Articles:

Susanna and daughter found hugging: the farewell letter then the drama

Moments of tragedy: the stories of mothers who killed their children

Note: The article is written in a neutral tone, providing ⁢factual information about the case.‌ The related articles are included to provide additional context and information on ⁣similar cases.

What led to the tragic discovery of two newborn babies in Traversetolo?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of a tragic event involving a 22-year-old mother and the discovery of two newborn babies in a villa in Traversetolo, Parma:

Double Tragedy Unfolds in Parma: Young Mother Investigated for Voluntary Homicide and Concealment of Corpse

In a shocking and heart-wrenching turn of events, a 22-year-old mother from a wealthy family in Parma, Italy, is under investigation for voluntary homicide and concealment of a corpse after the discovery of two newborn babies in the garden of a villa in Traversetolo. The young woman, a law student, has admitted to being the mother of one of the babies, but the investigation is ongoing to determine the connection between the two discoveries.

The Discovery of the First Newborn

About a month ago, the lifeless body of a newborn baby was found in the garden of a villa in Traversetolo, Parma. The investigation led to the arrest of the 22-year-old mother, who has been accused of giving birth alone in her family home without any medical supervision or assistance. According to Parma prosecutor Alfonso D’Avino, “no one, other than the girl, knew about the pregnancy: neither family members, nor the child’s father, nor friends.”

The Second Newborn Discovery

In a disturbing twist, other remains were found in the same location, which appear to belong to a second newborn. The remains, mostly bone, are believed to date back to a long time ago, prior to the first discovery. The Prosecutor’s Office is maintaining the strictest confidentiality, but investigations are underway to understand the exact contours of the event, including its temporal nature.

The Investigation and Arrest

The young woman, who is currently under investigation, admitted to being the mother of the first child found and genetic tests confirm this. Her boyfriend, the father of the child, claimed he had never known about the girl’s pregnancy, as did her friends. The family members were on vacation when the little body of the first child was found.

The Suspicions and Questions

The discovery of the two newborn babies has raised many questions and suspicions. How could the young woman keep her pregnancy a secret from her family and friends? Why did she choose to give birth alone without any medical assistance? And what is the connection between the two discoveries?

As the investigation continues, the Parma prosecutor’s office is working to unravel the mystery behind this tragic event. The case has sent shockwaves through the community, and many are left wondering how such a tragedy could occur.

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Optimized Keywords:



Newborn babies

Voluntary homicide

Concealment of corpse


Prosecutor’s Office

Law student

* Wealthy family



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