Unraveling Michele’s Family Legacy

Look Brunello

September 13, 2024

The official who signed the determination of 41,016.88 euros did not know, evidently not even the surname seemed familiar to her. The president, of course, was not aware, on the other hand he perhaps doesn’t talk much with his brothers. Let alone the president of the Puglia regional council, the PD member Loredana Capone, she was not informed either, “politics doesn’t deal with these things”, and in any case she is keen to point out that the procedure was correct. In short, everything is fine in Bari for the umpteenth storm that is shaking the president Michele Emiliano, the one who claimed to have taken the then mayor Antonio Decaro to the house of the sister of a boss, only to then correct himself and point out that perhaps he had had a lapse in memory. And even this time the story that concerns him, if nothing else is paradoxical, just as paradoxical are the justifications of the protagonists involved.

Contract of 41 thousand euros for the furniture to the brothers of Emiliano: from the sofas to the refrigerator

Towards the end of August, an official of the Regional Council signs a determination of over 40 thousand euros for Emiliano Srl regarding the setting up of an area of ​​the Regional Council itself. In practice, a refreshment point with tables, chairs, sofas, but also microwaves and built-in refrigerators, destined for the second floor of the Regional Council building. “I was the one who did the market research and the request for a quote. After all, that company is a leader in the sector. But I didn’t know that that company belonged to the governor’s brothers… I’m not even from Puglia”, apologizes the employee who didn’t notice the homonymy, “on the other hand I’m from Calabria”, she says. The same astonishment as the other brother, the one who is the President of the Puglia Region, Michele, while the other two owners of the company are Alessandro and Simonetta. “President Emiliano – they say from the presidency – had no direct information also because the contract in question does not pass through the political level at all, but is a management procedure of the Regional Council. Add to this that the president has no share in his brothers’ company. The president, however, asked the secretary general of the Presidency to acquire information relating to the tender”. The president of the Council, Loredana Capone of the Democratic Party, was also surprised. “Political bodies do not deal with tenders”, the president repeated, “for this reason I immediately asked the secretary general for a detailed report on the tender procedure followed by the offices, with her assessment of the matter. From this emerged the legitimacy of the procedural process and the correctness of the acts”. Only, in the last instance, the representative of the Democratic Party was forced to at least admit “the inappropriateness of the invitation and the consequent participation of the Emiliano srl company in a procedure announced by the regional administration”.

The Democratic Party rants about Sangiuliano. But it was silent about the nomination of Emiliano's partner

A line of defense that cannot convince the opposition. This is how the senator of Fratelli d’Italia Ignazio Zullo summarizes all the “oddities” of a story that no one knew anything about. Emiliano “has a family and does nothing but take care of it”, attacks Zullo, “so after having placed his partner in 2015 within the Puglia Region, with the qualification of personal press officer, the brothers can also enjoy the victory of a 41,000 euro contract thanks to which they will furnish the Puglia regional council. The president used the most classic of excuses, “I didn’t know anything”, and we don’t understand whether, after having managed the Region like a domineering father, he is making fun of us or if he doesn’t realize that not knowing how taxpayers’ money is spent is equally serious. From the left, of course, comes only a deafening silence” underlines the Fdi parliamentarian, “always so quick to point the finger and denounce when their opponents do something that doesn’t convince them, as helpful when these scandals are committed by their party comrades”. And to think that in May, faced with the latest controversy that hit Michele Emiliano’s government, Pd and M5S proposed severe controls on the regional machine and even a decisive “pact on legality”. In the meantime, they must have forgotten about it.

#Michele #family #Tempo
2024-09-15 07:00:10

What are the allegations against President Emiliano regarding the contract awarded‌ to his brothers?

Scandal in Puglia: President Emiliano’s Brothers Awarded ⁣41,000 Euro Contract

Update: September⁢ 13, 2024

In a‍ shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that the brothers ​of Puglia‍ Regional Council President Michele Emiliano were awarded a 41,000 euro contract to furnish the council’s office space. The news has sparked outrage among opposition parties, who are accusing Emiliano of nepotism and mismanagement‍ of⁢ public funds.

The Contract

The contract, signed by ‍an official ⁣at the Regional Council, was for the supply and installation of furniture, including sofas, chairs,⁢ tables, and built-in refrigerators, for the⁣ council’s second-floor office space. The company awarded the contract, Emiliano Srl, is ‍owned⁢ by the⁢ president’s brothers, Alessandro and Simonetta.


What are the implications of conflict of interest in government contracts?

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However, based on the content provided, it appears to be related to a news article about a controversy surrounding a contract worth 41,016.88 euros awarded to a company owned by the brothers of Michele Emiliano, the President of the Puglia Region. The article discusses how the official who signed the determination did not know that the company belonged to the President’s brothers, and how the President himself claims to have had no direct information about the contract.

If you would like, I can help you write an article on a related topic, such as “Conflict of Interest in Government Contracts” or “Ethics in Public Procurement”. Please let me know if there’s anything specific you would like me to assist you with.



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