Unraveling Injustice: Edmundo González’s Wrongful Accusation

  • The lawyer explained that the Attorney General has a “predisposition” regarding the case, so there are no conditions for his client to go to court | Photo: EFE

José Vicente Haro, Edmundo González‘s lawyer, stated that the conditions are not met for the former presidential candidate Go to the Public Prosecutor’s Office because they attribute responsibilities and crimes to him that the opponent has “nothing to do with.”

“What we are going to find is an Attorney General of the Republic who has a position and a full conviction that Edmundo González allegedly committed crimes,” Haro told the media. VPITV.

The lawyer denied that González claimed responsibility for alleged violent actions and said that he had nothing to do with the safekeeping and digitalization of electoral records from the presidential elections of July 28. In addition, José Vicente Haro clarified that Saab made an exception and received him in his office because “he wanted to see González.”

“He explained to me that he was seeing me and was making an exception because he wanted to see Edmundo González. He told me his various perceptions on the matter and his considerations that he gave at the press conference before the media, but in a more institutional tone,” added the lawyer.

José Vicente Haro mentioned that the objective of delivering the communication to the Public Prosecutor’s Office was achieved. “Beyond that we do not trust the autonomy and independence of the MP for the investigation because it was evident yesterday that the prosecutor has a predisposition and a made-up opinion on this case and is already condemning Edmundo González in advance,” he concluded.

The investigation against Edmundo González and the arrest warrant

Photo: EFE

The Public Prosecutor’s Office accuses Edmundo González of “usurpation of functions”, “forgery of public documents”, “instigation to disobedience of laws”, “conspiracy”, “sabotage to damage systems and association (to commit a crime)”, according to the summons published by the judicial body on social networks.

On September 2, the First Instance Court in Control Functions of Venezuela issued a arrest warrant against Edmundo Gonzalezafter the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the measure, following the opposition’s failure to appear at three summons from the Prosecutor’s Office, scheduled for August 26, 27 and 30.

The investigation against Edmundo González is related to the publication of a Web pagein which the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) claims to have uploaded “83.5% of the electoral records” collected by witnesses and table members on election night, to support its claim of fraud in the presidential elections of July 28.

The PUD released these records, which the Executive calls “false,” after the National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner of the elections.

Faced with this situation, Edmundo González has already taken a position in a video on August 25 in which he asserted that the summons does not have guarantees of “independence” and “due process.”

“Venezuelans, on this occasion I am making a statement before you, who are the guarantors of popular sovereignty. The Public Prosecutor’s Office intends to subject me to an interview without specifying the condition under which I am expected to appear and pre-qualifying crimes that were not committed,” the leader indicated in a video published on X.

Maria Corina Machado took responsibility for the publication of the electoral records

#WeExplainTheDay | Monday, June 10

Photo: EFE

Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado took office this Thursday, September 5 Responsibility for the publication of electoral records which -he claims- prove the “resounding defeat” of President Nicolás Maduro, who was proclaimed winner of the presidential elections on July 28.

“I take responsibility for the minutes because they are legal, legitimate and express the popular sovereignty of the Venezuelan people,” Machado said through X, minutes after the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, reiterated that there is an arrest warrant against former candidate Edmundo González Urrutia for the dissemination of these documents.

Machado accused the prosecutor’s office of being an “arm of persecution and state terrorism in Venezuela” and added that “the appointment and performance of its spokesperson (in reference to Saab) is illegitimate and a shame that history will judge.”

The opposition leader reiterated her call to recognize the “victory” of Edmundo González and assumed responsibility for the minutes published on the platform resultadosconvzla.com because in his opinion “they are legal, legitimate and express the popular sovereignty of the Venezuelan people.”

“What we did is heroic, what the regime is doing is monstrous. We are moving forward, they are sinking deeper every day,” Machado said in a message posted on his X account (Twitter).

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