Unraveling an Unforeseen Nightmare: The Kesbeke Family’s Desperate Quest Against Time

Hard blow

By RTL Boulevard·9 hours ago·Edit: 8 hours ago

© Videoland RTL

The third season of ‘The Gherkin King’ has started. The first episode shows that Oos Kesbeke has appointed his sons Camiel and Silvian as co-owners of the company. The first step towards the takeover has been taken and everything seems to be going smoothly. Until employee Frans receives a bad result from the hospital. He may have colon cancer, much to the shock of the family.

“There’s something that’s not right”

Frans, manager within the company, unexpectedly has to go to the hospital. During the population screening, blood was found in his stool and this could indicate something serious. He goes to the appointment together with office teacher Fenny. “He became a bit quieter and calmer along the way. I think he is thinking about it a lot in his head,” she says. Frans is happy that she is accompanying him. “You have to be there for each other in good times and bad.”

The outcome is not what people had hoped for. They suspect that Frans may have colon cancer, for which he is being examined. “Everyone was sent home and Frans had to wait,” Fenny says about the hospital visit. The doctor then said that ‘there is something that is not right’. When Frans gets out of the car, he announces that he will be given a ‘roessie’ the following week and that he will then be helped. “It’s no different. Just keep going, right?” says Frans, who has no intention of giving up.

The Kesbeke family is visibly affected by the bad news. Oos: “That touches me, he’s my boyfriend.” According to Oos, this is ‘the worst that can happen’. Camiel is emotional. “Frans is just my grandfather,” he sobs. Silvian also sheds a tear. He indicates that he normally does not show his emotions so quickly to others. “Then I’ll take myself aside for a moment.”

Despite the news, Frans picks up the thread again and focuses on the pickles. In the days that follow, he complains a lot about Camiel and Silvian, but they understand that. “He is very ill,” said Camiel. Even when Frans gets upset because the boys have thrown away a few pallets, they understand his reaction. “Frans is laid up, no one blames him for that,” said Fenny.

Of Gherkin King can be seen every Thursday at 8:30 PM on RTL 5 and Videoland.

The Gherkin tickets

Analysis: The Gherkin King’s Third Season Hits a Shocking Turn

As reported by RTL Boulevard, the third season of the popular TV show ‘The Gherkin King’ has begun, bringing new developments to the table. The first episode has taken a surprising turn with Oos Kesbeke appointing his sons Camiel and Silvian as co-owners of the company, marking the first step towards a smooth takeover. However, the excitement is short-lived as the storyline takes a somber turn with the news of employee Frans’s potential colon cancer diagnosis.

The show’s direction seems to be taking a dramatic shift, as the audience is jolted from the excitement of the company’s succession plans to a worrying health concern. This unexpected twist raises questions about the themes and plot developments of the upcoming season. Will the family and the company band together to support Frans through this challenging time, or will the diagnosis create tension and conflict?

Interestingly, ‘The Gherkin King’ has received attention in various contexts, including a documentary titled ‘Building the Gherkin’ [[3]], which explores the concept of community ownership of buildings. However, in the context of this TV show, ‘The Gherkin King’ appears to be using the term to refer to a family-owned business or possibly even a character nicknamed ‘The Gherkin King.’

On a separate note, ‘The Gherkin’ has also been associated with a popular building in London, and a TV show with this name could have referred to this building or even used it as an inspiration for the show’s title. However, ‘The Gherkin King’ discussed in the RTL Boulevard article appears to be a different entity altogether.

Additionally, there seems to be confusion with another show called ‘The Gherkin King’ that has been mentioned on Moviefone [[2]], with an apparent association with the Dutch language, and ‘De Augurkenkoning’ as a potential translation for the show’s title. However, it is unclear if this is related to the same show mentioned in the RTL Boulevard article.

A separate entity altogether, ‘The Gherkin’ has no connection with ‘Me Too!,’ a British live-action educational TV show for preschoolers, which was created by Brian Jameson <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeToo!(BritishTVseries)”>[[1]]. This children’s show has no apparent link to the themes, plotlines, or entities discussed in this analysis.

the third season of ‘The Gherkin King’ has indeed started with a bang, but the dramatic turn in the story raises questions about the themes and plot developments for the remainder of the season.



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