Unraveling AMLO’s Revolutionary Judicial Reform: Essential Insights Revealed

Unraveling AMLO’s Revolutionary Judicial Reform: Essential Insights Revealed

The reform of the judiciary proposed by the President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador It was approved early this morning, with the majority of Morena deputies and their allies from an alternate venue.

¿What does the reform of the judiciary consist of? And what will be the main changes? On February 12, López Obrador, together with the Secretary of the Interior, María Luisa Alcalde, presented a summary of the reform project at the morning conference that day, which will modify various parts of the Constitution in judicial matters.

The ruling includes four important changes, which are broken down into the following sections.

1. New integration of the SCJN

  • The number of male and female ministers will be reduced from 11 to 9.
  • The term of office will also be reduced from 15 to 12 years.
  • The two Chambers are eliminated. The Court will only meet in plenary session and in public.
  • There will no longer be a lifetime pension for current and future ministers.
  • Their remuneration must be adjusted to the maximum limit established for the President of the Republic, without exception.

The presidency of the Supreme Court It will be renewed every two years on a rotating basis according to the votes obtained in the election, with the presidency going to those who receive the most votes, according to the ruling. Currently, the ministers elect their president.

According to the reform of the judiciaryin 2025 a extraordinary election to renew all ministers, judges and magistrates of the Judiciary. Those currently in office will be able to participate in this election on equal terms.

Selection of applications

Ministers and magistrates will be elected at the national level in ordinary elections from 30 equal candidates proposed by the three branches of the Union.

  • The Executive Branch will propose up to 10 candidates;
  • The Legislative Branch will propose up to 5 candidates for each Chamber (Deputies and Senators), by qualified majority;
  • The Judiciary will propose up to 10 candidates through the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court, by a majority of 6 votes.
  • In the case of the 1,633 Circuit Magistrates and District Judges, they will be elected in each of the 32 judicial circuits in the ordinary elections, starting on
    6 equal candidates per position (2 for each Branch of the Union).

The Senate of the Republic will verify that the candidates meet the requirements of
law. The INE organizes the election.

Read. Lies and inaccurate data from AMLO and Morena on judicial reform

Requirements to be a minister

To aspire to the position of minister, candidates must have a Bachelor of Laws degree with a minimum GPA of 8.0 and 9.0 in subjects related to the position, in addition to having at least five years of experience in the legal field.

Applicants must submit “a three-page essay explaining the reasons for your candidacy and providing five letters of recommendation from neighbors, colleagues or persons who support your suitability for the position.”

Currently, ministers are proposed by the President from a list of three, and their election requires the support of at least two-thirds of the senators at the time of the vote. Magistrates and judges are appointed by the Federal Judicial Council, which will disappear.

Electoral process and election results

The judicial reform establishes that campaigns will last 60 days, without a pre-campaign stage. The public financing or private and the candidates will have access to radio and television time to promote themselves.

Los political parties They will not be able to campaign for or against the candidates.

He Electoral Court of the Judiciary will resolve the challenges and declare the results, except when it concerns its own members, whose resolution
will be the responsibility of the SCJN.

3. Replacement of the Federal Judicial Council

The Federal Judicial Council will be replaced by two bodies. One of them will be the Tcourt of Judicial Discipline, composed of five magistrates elected at the national level for a period of 6 years, proposed by the Powers of the Union.

It may receive complaints from any person or authority, and investigate Ministers, Magistrates, Judges and judicial personnel for acts contrary to the law, the public interest or the administration of justice, including acts of corruption, influence peddling, nepotism, complicity or concealment of alleged criminals, or when their resolutions do not conform to the principles of objectivity, impartiality, independence, professionalism or excellence.

There will also be a Judicial Administration Bodymade up of five people appointed for a period of 6 years by the Powers of the Union.

He/she will be responsible for administrative functions, judicial career and internal control, as well as for preparing the budget of the Judiciary.

Currently, the CJF is composed of seven members: the President of the Supreme Court (who also chairs the Council), three magistrates and district judges appointed by the full Court, two counselors appointed by the Senate and one by the President of Mexico.

What is judicial reform about?

  • A is established maximum period of 6 months for the resolution of tax matters, and 1 year for criminal matters. If these deadlines are exceeded, the judicial authority must inform the Judicial Disciplinary Court, which may investigate and sanction the delay.
  • Suspensions are prohibited against laws with general effects on amparos, constitutional controversies and actions of unconstitutionality.
  • Los Judicial powers of the entities The federative bodies must establish rules for the direct election of their magistrates and judges, as well as independent administrative and disciplinary bodies.
  • Trusts of the Judiciary. Once the pending trials are concluded, they must be repaid to the Welfare Pension Fund. The rights and benefits of workers are respected.

#AMLOs #judicial #reform #approved #deputies #consist
2024-09-08 11:23:32

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What are the key changes proposed in President López Obrador’s judicial reform in Mexico?

The Reform of the Judiciary in Mexico: Understanding the Changes Proposed by President López Obrador

The reform of the judiciary proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been approved, marking a significant change in the Mexican judicial system. The reform aims to modify various parts of the Constitution in judicial matters, introducing four important changes that will have a profound impact on the country’s judicial system.

What Does the Reform of the Judiciary Entail?

The reform of the judiciary proposes several significant changes, including the new integration of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), the election of ministers, magistrates, and judges by popular vote, the replacement of the Federal Judicial Council, and changes to the judicial career system.

1. New Integration of the SCJN

The number of ministers on the Supreme Court will be reduced from 11 to 9, and their term of office will be reduced from 15 to 12 years. The two Chambers of the Court will be eliminated, and the Court will only meet in plenary session and in public. Furthermore, there will no longer be a lifetime pension for current and future ministers, and their remuneration will be adjusted to the maximum limit established for the President of the Republic, without exception. The presidency of the Supreme Court will be renewed every two years on a rotating basis, with the presidency going to those



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