Unpredictable Journey: Surviving HIV and Finding Hope

2023-12-09 06:08:11

God’s will is unpredictable! A mainland woman suffered severe bleeding during a caesarean section 10 years ago. She successfully gave birth to a daughter after a blood transfusion in the hospital. Afterwards, she found that her health was deteriorating, and her husband also had gastrointestinal problems, which did not improve even after taking medicine, but they never paid attention to it. It was not until 10 years later that the woman went to the hospital for a check-up because she was pregnant again and found out that she had AIDS. The husband was tested the next day and was also confirmed to have the disease. With the efforts of the hospital, the woman successfully blocked the virus through treatment and gave birth to a healthy child. After much thought, the couple concluded that the infection was caused by the blood transfusion they received when they gave birth. Although they lamented that they “have never been truly happy” after learning about the disease, they still worked hard to live and never give up the chance of survival. Although her husband is getting frail, the family still faces life with an optimistic attitude and has never given up.

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According to internal media reports, the woman Xiaoxue (pseudonym) received a blood transfusion from a local hospital due to severe bleeding during a caesarean section in 1995. Afterwards, her family moved to Shanghai in January 2000, and her life was no different from that of ordinary people. However, shortly after moving, the victim often caught colds that were difficult to recover from. Inflammation occurred in some parts of the body one after another, and the weight dropped rapidly. At the same time, the husband also began to suffer from diarrhea frequently. He sought medical treatment many times but saw no improvement. People have never thought about it.

Unexpected pregnancy reveals HIV infection

In early 2005, the victim’s abdomen began to swell. On July 20 of the same year, he suspected fetal movement in his abdomen. When he went to the local Changhai Hospital for an examination, he discovered that he was unexpectedly pregnant.

Since she had no plans to have a second child, she planned to have an abortion, but during her prenatal check-up, she discovered that she was infected with AIDS. After hearing the bad news, the family was shocked. After calm analysis with her husband, they all believed that the only way to get infected was through blood transfusion during the caesarean section. The husband then went to the hospital for a test and it was confirmed that he also had AIDS.

Successfully gave birth to a healthy baby

In August 2005, she did not want a second child, so she resolutely applied to the Nanjing Public Health Center for induction of labor; however, after a physical examination, the hospital believed that her physical condition was not suitable for surgery. At the same time, the Shanghai Public Health Center expressed its willingness to help her give birth to a baby through HIV mother-to-child interruption.

On October 26 of the same year, the victim received TMTCT treatment and gave birth to a baby boy on November 24, becoming the first case in Shanghai to successfully give birth to a healthy baby using the “MTCT” method.

Still facing life positively after illness

To this day, when recalling the past, the victim still admits: “I have never been truly happy since I found out I was infected.” However, life continues. The domestic media “The Paper” recently followed up on the case and learned that the family is still living peacefully. , after the patient learned that he was ill, he would record the changes in his life and body in the past year every year on World AIDS Day.

The victim revealed that her husband has been suffering from Parkinson’s disease, liver cirrhosis and other diseases in recent years, and his balance has become worse and worse. However, he still insists on exercising every day and has not given up on life due to illness. The victim’s sister had lived with them for half a year, sharing housework and taking care of her brother-in-law. Frankly, if her sister and brother-in-law had not unfortunately fallen ill, the family’s life could be described as simple and happy. Despite this, the victim’s family still chose to face life positively:

“As of today, nothing major has happened at home. This should be our best day.”

There is currently no drug to cure AIDS

According to information from the “AIDS Concern”, AIDS is an “acquired immune deficiency disorder” caused by the “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” (HIV). HIV cannot directly cause symptoms, but after the virus enters the human body, it attacks the “T4 cells” (white blood cells and macrophages) in the human immune system, weakening the immune system and its ability to repair injuries on its own. At this time, some diseases that pose no threat to uninfected people, such as Pneumocystis pneumonia, can take advantage of the situation and cause the infected people to become AIDS patients. Although there is still no drug that can cure the HIV virus, the treatments adopted in Hong Kong have greatly extended the lifespan of infected people.

The HIV virus exists in various body fluids of infected persons, including semen, blood, vaginal secretions and prostate secretions. An infected person can transmit the HIV virus to others through contact with these body fluids. The amount of virus present in saliva, sweat, tears and urine is extremely low and is not sufficient to cause infection. Since people infected with HIV may look the same as ordinary people, only an HIV antibody test can determine whether they are infected.

Once unfortunately infected with HIV, the infected person may experience the following symptoms:

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Until now, the medical community has not yet completely cured AIDS, but there are many treatment methods that can reduce the level of viruses in the blood, thereby delaying the formation of AIDS and the invasion of other bacteria, and improving the health and quality of life of infected people. Hong Kong provides “cocktail therapy”, which can effectively suppress the HIV virus in the body. It inhibits the virus from attacking the immune system. Currently, as long as they follow the doctor’s instructions, most HIV-infected people can be cured within 3 days of taking the drug. Within 6 months, the virus in the body was successfully controlled and the HIV virus in the body was suppressed to an undetectable level. “Cocktail therapy” can successfully suppress the virus and prevent it from attacking the immune system. As long as the immune system is good, the infected person will not get “opportunistic infections”.

3 major causes of HIV infection

Among infectious diseases transmitted through blood, AIDS is the most dangerous. According to information from the Hong Kong Department of Health, AIDS is a variety of diseases caused by the gradual weakening of the immune system due to infection with the HIV virus. Causes include:

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People with HIV may show no symptoms and look just like ordinary people. After a patient is infected with the HIV virus, the incubation period can reach 10 to 15 years. Over a long period of time, the patient’s immune system will be severely damaged and gradually lose the ability to resist serious diseases. Patients will suffer from rare “opportunistic infections” such as pneumonia and skin cancer, which will eventually lead to death.

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