“Unprecedented that the Supreme Court is involved in the political confrontation as it comes to the defense of the government” – 2024-02-20 06:44:05

“Unprecedented in European history” the New Left calls the decision of the Supreme Court on the condemnation of Greece by the European Parliament, in its announcement.

“The Administrative Plenary of the Supreme Court decided with a majority of 49 in favor against 13 against and 20 abstentions that the content of the resolution approved by the European Parliament – except for the right and extreme right – is “unsupported, vague, undocumented, discriminatory and constitutes a direct interference in Greek justice “. We cannot fail to highlight the speed with which the meeting was conducted and, above all, the decision was issued,” he notes.

“In the year 2024, the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution is called into question. The Areopagite judges and the prosecutor of the Supreme Court rush to defend the government and replace the executive power which is the only one competent to give answers to the decisions of the European Parliament which constitutes an institutional-political body of the European Union. Something that is done, as the Areios Pagos officially informs, so that “citizens and community institutions do not get the impression that the Rule of Law in Greece is retreating due to the corruption that pervades all government officials, including the judiciary”” , continues and concludes:

“This is a move unprecedented in European history. Areios Pagos is involved in the political confrontation as it seeks to defend the government. The only thing it achieves, however, is to confirm the concerns recorded in the resolution of the European Parliament and the certainties of Greek society”.

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Source: RES

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#Unprecedented #Supreme #Court #involved #political #confrontation #defense #government

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