Unprecedented Engagement: More Than 29,000 Residents Join Constitutional Exam

In the 17th knowledge test challenge, participants compete in the following categories: student with the best knowledge of the Constitution (by class); a person studying law or having a legal education who knows the Constitution best; the person who knows the Constitution best; the most active school; senior participant; the Lithuanian who knows the Constitution best in the world.

Winners will be announced 2 days after the exam. The evaluation commission consists of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court Gintaras Goda, Judge of the Constitutional Court Vytautas Mizaras, Chief Advisor to the President of the Republic, Head of the Legal Group Andrius Kabišaitis, VMU Lyceum “Sokratus” citizenship teacher Roberta Žižienė, Dean of the Law School of Mykolos Romeris University Lyra Jakulevičienė, Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Law Dean Dainius Žalimas and Vilnius University Faculty of Law Dean Harold Šinkūnas.

Prizes established by the Ministry of Justice will be awarded to the winners: 50-euro collector gold coins dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the State Constitution, tablets, wireless headphones, instant cameras and smart watches.

They will also receive a special prize established by the patron of the project, the President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda. November 20 An award ceremony will be held at the Presidency, during which the patron of the Constitution exam President Gitanas Nausėda and the Minister of Justice Ewelina Dobrowolska will award the best participants in the Constitution exam. in 2022 25,823 residents took the constitutional exam.

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#record #number #participants #constitutional #exam #thousand #residents
2024-09-08 19:20:32

Who ⁢wrote the Constitution[1]The⁣ Importance of Constitutional⁤ Knowledge: Understanding the U.S. Constitution and Beyond[2]The ⁤U.S. Constitution is one of ‌the most significant documents ⁢in ‍American history, serving as⁢ the foundation of the country’s legal system and ‌guiding principles. Yet, despite⁤ its importance, many ⁢people lack a thorough⁢ understanding of its contents and significance.‍ In this article, we’ll explore the importance ⁢of constitutional knowledge, how ⁢to test your knowledge, and highlight ⁢an inspiring example from Lithuania that⁣ demonstrates the value of constitutional literacy.[3]Why is Constitutional Knowledge Important?

The U.S.⁤ Constitution is the supreme law of‍ the land,‍ outlining‍ the framework of the federal government‌ and the principles of individual ‍rights and ‌freedoms. Understanding⁤ the Constitution ​is essential ‍for citizens⁤ to participate in⁤ the democratic process, make⁤ informed decisions, ​and hold elected officials accountable. Moreover,​ it helps individuals appreciate the historical ‌context and significance of ⁣the document, fostering a sense of national identity and⁢ pride.

Testing Your Knowledge of ‌the‍ U.S.⁣ Constitution

If you’re interested⁣ in testing your knowledge ⁣of the U.S. Constitution, there are several online ⁣resources available. For example, ⁤Pew⁢ Trusts offers a[quiz[quiz[quiz[quiz[quiz[quiz[quiz[quiz

Table of Contents

]to help you assess your understanding of the Constitution. Additionally, Study.com provides a comprehensive[study‍guide⁤[studyguide[study‍guide⁤[studyguide[study‍guide⁤[studyguide[study‍guide⁤[studyguide

]with ⁣practice⁤ test questions and a ⁤final⁣ exam.‌ US Constitution Exam also offers a[comprehensiveexam⁣[comprehensiveexam[comprehensiveexam⁣[comprehensiveexam[comprehensiveexam⁣[comprehensiveexam[comprehensiveexam⁣[comprehensiveexam

]with seven learning modules and self-tests.

Lithuania’s Constitutional​ Knowledge ⁢Challenge

In Lithuania, a​ unique initiative promotes constitutional literacy among its citizens. The country’s Constitutional Court,‍ Ministry of​ Justice, and other​ institutions have organized a ⁣knowledge test challenge, where participants compete in ​various ‍categories, including students, law students, and senior citizens. The winners ⁤receive prizes established ​by‌ the‍ Ministry of‍ Justice, including collector gold coins, tablets, and⁢ smart watches. The patron of‍ the project, President Gitanas Nausėda, also awards a special prize to the winners. In 2022, an impressive‍ 25,823 residents took the‍ constitutional exam, demonstrating the‍ country’s ⁢commitment to promoting constitutional knowledge and literacy.


Constitutional knowledge is essential for citizens to ‌participate ​in the democratic​ process, appreciate their rights and freedoms, ‌and understand⁤ the historical⁣ significance of the document. By testing your‌ knowledge and‌ promoting constitutional literacy, we can foster a more engaged and informed citizenry. Lithuania’s initiative serves ‌as an inspiring example, encouraging individuals to develop a deeper understanding of their‍ constitution and its significance. Take the first step today and test your knowledge⁤ of the U.S. Constitution – you ⁢might be surprised⁢ at ⁣how‌ much you​ can learn!

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title “The Importance of Constitutional Knowledge: Understanding the Lithuanian Constitution and Beyond”:

The Importance of Constitutional Knowledge: Understanding the Lithuanian Constitution and Beyond

The Lithuanian Constitution is the supreme law of the land, outlining the framework of the federal government and the principles of individual rights and freedoms. Understanding the Constitution is essential for citizens to participate in the democratic process, make informed decisions, and hold elected officials accountable. Despite its importance, many people lack a thorough understanding of its contents and significance.

The History of the Lithuanian Constitution

The first constitution of the contemporary republic of Lithuania was enacted on August 1, 1922[[[2]]. The current constitution was adopted in a referendum on October 25, 1992[[[2]]. The Constitution of Lithuania states that “The State of Lithuania shall be an independent democratic republic” and that “The State of Lithuania shall be created by the Nation”



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