Unpacking the Myths: Do Mobile Phones and Wi-Fi Signals Pose Health Risks

2024-09-12 14:21:10

The use of the Does cell phone have an impact on our health? ? Since the advent of the mobile phone about twenty years ago, the question has been much debated, particularly because people were wary of this new technology that broadcasts waves that they stick to their heads… And they were just as concerned about the waves emitted by relay antennas and Wi-Fi. Without being able to make a clear decision…

What are telephone waves?

There are different types of waves. In the case of mobile phones, net communication is made possible by electromagnetic fields circulating through a network of fixed antennas. The phones thus emit radio frequency waves – radio waves – called non-ionizing radiation, that is to say thatthey cannot alter DNA ! Unlike ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, etc.) which can break the chemical bonds of molecules or cause ionizations in the human body. Like telephone waves, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves and radio waves, etc. emit non-ionizing radiation. We know that certain waves can be dangerous to health. What about those emitted by our phones?

Are waves dangerous for health and the brain?

Reference institutions, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Iarc) and the World Health Organization (OMS) have classified cell phone waves as “possible carcinogen” (a less incriminating category than ‘definite carcinogens’ and ‘probable carcinogens’). A classification called into question very recently in a study commissioned by the WHO. Led by Australian researcher Ken Karipidis, a team of specialists reviewed more than 5,000 publications, published between 1994 and 2022; conclusion: there is no No link between cell phone radio waves and brain cancernor with health in general. There is also no link between an increased risk of cancers and:

prolonged use of the mobile phone (for 10 years or more), number of calls, time spent on the phone.

Although the use of wireless technologies has increased massively in recent decades, there has been no increase in the incidence of brain cancer.

From there to keep your phone close to you when you sleep ? If exposure to radio waves is low energy … they are even less so when the phone is not in communication! Enough to stop feeling guilty when you fall asleep without having put your smartphone in ‘airplane’ mode! However, in 2023, a fire broke out near Rennes from a phone charger (a similar incident involving a phone charger also took place near Cancale, in 2022); each time it was the charger – and not the phone – that was allegedly involved. To protect yourself from this type of accident, there is only one reflex: use a wall-mounted charging block (the part that plugs into the wall) certified to prevent the risk of electric shock, electric discharge or overheating (which could cause a risk of burns or fire).

However, as technology evolves rapidly, it is essential that science continues its studies to ensure the safety of exposure to radio waves from these technologies.

Do cell phone waves affect fertility?

Here again, the rumor has spread widely, as a precautionary principle requires. What was feared? That radiofrequency waves from mobile phones would have an impact on fertility, and in particular male fertility. Especially since it has been proven that the quantity of spermatozoa and their concentration have significantly decreased over the last few decades, and this throughout the world (Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries). Moreover, some studies* have concluded that the waves emitted by telephones, but also Wi-Fi, could have a toxic effect on the number of spermatozoa and their mobility … And if the study commissioned by the WHO removes any link between fertility and radiofrequency waves, it is, in fact, another parameter that should be taken into account: heat. And in particular that which can sometimes be generated by the smartphone that these gentlemen like to store in their pants pocket. The optimal temperature for the production of spermatozoa is 2 degrees below body temperature (between 32 and 35°C); a difference of ‘only’ 1°C between body temperature and that of the testicles would lead to a drop in sperm production of 14%! And if the telephone can be blamed for the heat emitted, it is even more concerning for men who are used to working in hot conditions: bakers, cooks, pizza chefs …

Studies are still ongoing and could provide new, more comprehensive results within 20 or 30 years; this is particularly the case with the Cosmos study carried out on 250,000 subjects and which focuses on the impact of smartphones on fertility.

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What is male infertility? Can we really protect ourselves from cell phone waves?
#Mobile #phones #WiFi #waves #dangerous #health

Negative effects of mobile phones on students

Does Cell Phone Radiation Have an Impact on Our Health?

Since⁤ the advent of mobile phones about twenty years ago, the ⁢question of their impact on our health has been hotly debated. People were ⁣wary of this new ​technology that emits waves that they stick ⁣to their heads… And they were just as concerned about the waves emitted by relay ⁢antennas and​ Wi-Fi. Without being able to make a ‍clear decision…

What are Telephone Waves?

There are different types of⁢ waves. In the case of mobile phones, net communication is made ⁣possible by electromagnetic ‌fields circulating through ⁤a network of fixed antennas. The phones ​thus emit radio ⁣frequency waves – radio waves – called non-ionizing radiation, that⁢ is⁢ to ⁤say that they⁤ cannot alter DNA ! Unlike ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, etc.) which can break the chemical ‍bonds​ of⁢ molecules or cause ionizations in the human body. Like telephone waves, visible light, infrared radiation, ⁤microwaves and⁣ radio waves, ‌etc. emit non-ionizing radiation. We know that certain waves can be dangerous to health. What about those emitted by our phones?

Are Waves Dangerous for Health and the Brain?

Reference institutions, the International Agency for Research on ⁤Cancer (Iarc) and the World Health Organization (OMS) have classified cell phone waves as “possible carcinogen” (a less incriminating category than ‘definite carcinogens’ and ‘probable carcinogens’). A classification called into question very recently in a study⁤ commissioned by the WHO [[3]]. Led by Australian researcher⁢ Ken Karipidis, a team of specialists reviewed more than⁤ 5,000 publications, published between 1994 and 2022; conclusion: there is ⁢no No link between cell phone radio waves⁣ and brain cancer nor with health in general. There is also no⁢ link between an increased‌ risk of cancers and:

* prolonged use of the mobile phone (for ‍10 years or more), ‌number of calls, time spent on the ‌phone.

Although the use​ of wireless technologies has increased massively in recent decades, there has been no increase‍ in the incidence of brain cancer.

However, some studies have reported adverse health ‌effects of using mobile phones, including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns⁤ [[1]]. Additionally,‍ a ​recent study found that people who used‍ their cellphones the most had a ⁣21% increased risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event, particularly if they were smokers [[2]].

Do ⁣Cell Phone Waves Affect Fertility?

Here again, the rumor has spread widely, as ‍a precautionary principle requires. What was feared? That radiofrequency waves from mobile phones would have an impact ‍on fertility, and in particular male fertility. Especially since it has been proven that the quantity ⁢of spermatozoa and their concentration have significantly decreased over the ⁤last few decades, and this throughout the world.

10 harmful effects of mobile phones

The Impact of Cell Phones on Our Health: Separating Fact from Fiction

The use of cell phones has become an integral part of our daily lives, but the question of whether they have an impact on our health has been a topic of debate for years. With the increasing reliance on mobile phones, concerns about the potential health risks associated with their use have been raised. In this article, we will delve into the world of telephone waves, exploring what they are, whether they are dangerous to our health and brain, and what the scientific evidence says about their impact on our wellbeing.

What are Telephone Waves?

Telephone waves, also known as radio frequency waves, are a type of non-ionizing radiation. This means they do not have enough energy to break chemical bonds or cause ionizations in the human body, unlike ionizing radiation such as X-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays. Mobile phones emit radio frequency waves to enable communication, which is made possible by electromagnetic fields circulating through a network of fixed antennas.

Are Waves Dangerous for Health and the Brain?

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have classified cell phone waves as “possible carcinogens,” but a recent study commissioned by the WHO has called this classification into question. The study, led by Australian researcher Ken Karipidis, reviewed over 5,000 publications and found no link between cell phone radio waves and brain cancer or health risks in general [1[1]. Additionally, there is no evidence to suggest that prolonged use of mobile phones, number of calls, or time spent on the phone increases the risk of cancers.

In fact, despite the massive increase in the use of wireless technologies over the past few decades, there has been no corresponding increase in the incidence of brain cancer [1[1].

Do Cell Phone Waves Affect Fertility?

While there is limited research on the impact of cell phone waves on fertility, some studies suggest that excessive use of mobile phones may have negative effects on sperm quality and fertility [3[3]. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential risks.

Negative Effects of Mobile Phones on Students

Excessive use of mobile phones has been linked to negative effects on students, including decreased attention span, increased stress, and decreased physical activity [[2](https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/03/07/majorities-say-mobile-phones-are-good-for-s



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