UNP reduces security plan for Mayor Federico Gutiérrez

Without further explanation, the National Protection Unit (UNP) reduced the security scheme of the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, even though his risk level is still classified as extraordinary. Currently, the mayor has a mixed protection scheme, between that of the state and the Police.

UNP reduces security plan for Mayor Federico Gutiérrez

Were Two armored vehicles withdrawn and four members of the team Mayor’s security from Medellin who belong to the National Protection Unit (UNP). This decision is part of the scandal related to the use of protection cars and escorts of this entity to FARC dissidents with outstanding arrest warrants.

Medellin councilwoman, Claudia Carrasquilla He showed his dissatisfaction with this decision, and even more so with what happened with the FARC dissidents in the Northeast: “They take away security from people like mayors, governors and other dignitaries who also need protection.
Last week we saw how in the waste of the National Governmentseven trucks with eleven escorts for the guerrillas in the country.”

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According to the resolution that communicated this change, his risk level had already been re-evaluated in 2023. Due to his position at that time as leader of the We believe partyit was determined that it corresponded to a level of extraordinary protection.

On Tuesday afternoon, the president of the Medellín City Council, Andrés Tobón, expressed his discontent with the situation of Mayor Gutiérrez’s scheme: “It seems that it is a decision not based on the historical technique that CERREM has had, that UNP has had to evaluate the risk conditions and also of course the protection measures offered to each of the people who are at extraordinary risk, higher risks, but it is more due to a circumstance of a political nature.”

So far, this decision has been the subject of analysis in two different tables and the Mayor’s Office has already filed an appeal, seeking to discuss the issue in another evaluation table.

2024-07-31 00:53:19
#UNP #reduces #security #plan #Mayor #Federico #Gutiérrez



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